Thursday, November 14, 2013

Buzzfeed lists and a lot of Whedon links

So I love Buzzfeed lists. They can be the best thing on the internet and often get forwarded around. Like the 20-something vs 30-something party comparison, which was sent around multiple times between almost everyone I email with frequently because it was perfect.  We were like, that's totally us, and you've made references that we understand.  Well done. And even when the lists are ridiculous, they incite discussion. Like this comparison of random TV facts.
Mostly I just think it's kind of random. Sure, I dislike reality TV more than most and some of these facts make me cringe, but some of the others are stupid. I think Amy Poehler deserves 400 Emmys, just for being awesome, and another 12 million for the supreme being that is Leslie Knope. But I also think Jim Parsons deserves all of his Emmys and they don't compete against each other. So who made that decision. I understand that there are some who knock BBT's wide appeal and think it is more nerd-bashing than nerd-celebrating, and I could engage in a fight with you on that, but whatever your thoughts there, you cannot deny Parsons' brilliance.  The Wire also deserved all the awards, and Two & a Half men has definitely been on too long, but they aren't in the same category. General Hospital is a daytime soap and Twin Peaks is a bizarre cult drama. And perhaps my inability to get into Twin Peaks and my never-ending love for Sonny Corinthos makes me ill-suited to comment on this, but we are again comparing apples and oranges. I think they may have done just as well listing just the things on the right, because they are disappointing regardless of your thoughts about column A. 

Before we get to the Whedon portion of this post (the rest, basically), I'm just going to leave this here.
Because who doesn't love Nick Miller?

But back to the Whedonverse.
Did you see who they are getting for the first of the new Netflix Marvel shows, Daredevil? Drew Goddard.
Not ringing any bells? Because familiarizing yourself with names of writers/producers who work with your favorite creators is a life priority? Well, let me (and the link) help, Mr. Goddard's credits include Buffy, Angel, Lost, Alias, and he directed a little flick I still need to see called Cabin in the Woods. Speaking of things I need to see, he also wrote the screenplay for World War Z. Point here goes to the "you can never have too much superhero everything" camp.

Did we discuss how great this week's SHIELD was? I love Fitz and Simmons so much, and I am really starting to buy how this little family is coming together.  But that's not even my favorite thing from this week, my favorite thing is this amazing review that came in rhyming form on my favorite fandom site.

You did watch Dollhouse, right?  This is another list, although not from buzzfeed.  I would probably tweak a little, but overall, pretty solid.   But spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched all the Whedon shows. 
And my final link for the week brings us back to Buzzfeed, where someone ranked every Buffy episode from worst to best.
I can't say I agree across the board and they are much harsher to the bad than I would be, but in general I think their order is pretty good. Their top ten isn't exactly mine, but it's not far off. This may have to be a group project, creating our own list. What do you think? 

Sarah rolls a 3 and her oxen stage a coup.  Tired of dealing with a wagon full of dysentary, they redirect toward an old house in the woods.  They have heard a rumor that if find a wardrobe in a room of an old house, it is possible to escape the old west and travel to new lands. Proceed carefully.

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