Friday, January 3, 2014

The Blacklist and New Year Resolutions....KE

I am not skipping you’re turn without permission. You said it was okay because I had things to tell you about.

So when I originally started this blog I was going to tell you I started watching the Blacklist. I have since told you that and caught up to the current episode. It’s very Alias minus the JJ Abrams flair plus... James Spader (he needs to call me). It's fabulous...I just never know who to trust. And I have new thoughts and theories all the time…here are a few I thought I would share. (SPOILERS!)

-First- I feel I have to say that there is still a possibility that Red is Lizzie’s father…even though he told her he wasn’t. I don’t think he would tell her if he was. However, that being said, I don’t really think that he is (obviously I spend some time debating this with myself).  
-Second- I think that Red had a daughter and something awful happened to her (as they keep pointing out). Then he went away and he could have done some sort of Dread Pirate Roberts thing with Lizzie’s real father (we know he was a criminal)… and Lizzie’s real father is dead but Red feels he needs to take care of Lizzie because her dad was his mentor.
-Third- Lizzie’s mom plays a part in this somehow. If I learned one thing from Alias is never count out the mother. We don’t really know the whole story with the fire- only flashes of Lizzie’s memories. Red could be connected to the mom somehow.
-Fourth I totally don’t trust her husband (no matter how cute). He's a Russian- probably.

Stay tuned for more thoughts on this.

On my way back from back to Abu Dhabi I watched only a few movies: Austenland and About Time. I enjoyed both. (I also started the Blacklist on the flight) I know you’re already seen Austenland and also enjoyed it. About Time is like a less intense version of Time Travelers Wife (which I’ve only read the book) and it’s more about the time traveler than his wife.

I came up with some New Year Resolutions for this year:
-To practice my Ukulele and get tour ready.
-Don’t start any new TV shows until my list is caught up on.
-Watch more movies from my “list” of academy award winning films (I started last year but didn’t get very far).
Read 25 books (I set this goal every year- in 2013 I got to 21 and half- thank you Game of Thrones)
Actually rank all HIMYM episodes once the show ends in March.

Also- I didn’t know this existed…my mind exploded.
Which leads to my next debate- do I wait to watch Sherlock at the same time you get in the States to watch it… or do I go on the internets and just dive in… by the time you read I may have already made a choice. But I promise no spoilers.

Sarah turns to page 43 and transfigures into a Shark. However, between her and the sword is Ursula, the sea witch. She'll have to roll the dice to get past Ursula!

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