Monday, December 9, 2013

Doctor Who Christmas specials and forced family bonding....KE

First let’s talk about this and how disappointed I am that we will not be together for it….Sherlock!
So freaking excited. Did you look at the interactive trailer?

Things we will be together for- Doctor Who Christmas…. Then we can hold each other and cry.

Three more nights here in the desert before I get on a plane to go home for the holidays. I was thinking the other day that even with some Christmas decorations up in stores (even though this is a Muslim country, so many things are catered for Westerners) it doesn’t really feel like the holidays in the hot, dry desert. However, I was thinking about how Christmas is partly about the birth of Jesus (I say partly because of the all the Pagan traditions and changing when Jesus’ birthday to match Pagan traditions) and yet I am closer here to where Jesus was actually born than at home. Strange, huh? Christmas started here in the desert. (These are the things I think about )

I’m a bit behind on TV this week… I had Parent Teacher Conferences, and shopping and Christmas gatherings, and sitting on the beach before coming home to the very cold! It’s been a busy few days.

We have many things to do when I get home though… some Supernatural watching… ranking all How I Met Your Mother episodes… baking… playing Catan… Christmas tree getting and decorating… watching Muppet Family Christmas… Love Actually drinking game… Football watching (the real kind)…(these things are in no particular order). Am I missing anything? Forced family bonding at it’s best!

Oh and we can watch the Doctor Who Christmas from 2010 that we both somehow missed. (Well I've already watched now and you might have too...but we can watch it again- together). Not sure how we missed it- I mean Dumbledore is it! I guess when it's not on Netflix and maybe it was a time when BBC America wasn't showing Doctor Who Christmas specials at Christmas.

That's all for now...Keeping things short-ish- because we will be together soon!

After Sarah sits out a turn she then has to decide how to get passed the mermaids without a getting into another altercation. Turn to page 43 if she should decide to use transfiguration  to change into a shark. Turn to page 25 if she should eat gillyweed to breath underwater.

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