Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jamie Gives Glee Another Chance

So, I have been less than enthusiastic about the new season of Glee.  But, it is starting before any of my other shows, and we got in an episode of Revenge earlier, so here goes.  Live reactions:

Well hello Kate.  That is a quality entrance.  I have to say that sometimes Kate Hudson makes poor film choices, but this introduction just reminds me that when all is said and done, her acting is high quality.  And she plays bitch so well.

Jacob is back to give us the quick summer recap.  And Mike & Tina are kaput!  Sad to see, but at least one couple is realistic about long distance.

And the title of the episode comes into play, or at least half of it… who is the new Rachel?

Nevermind that though, cause it’s the new Finn, singing 80s rock in the shower.  I see what you did there Ryan Murphy (when I say Ryan Murphy, let's also include all the writers, it's just easier to pretend it is only him).  Only Finn didn’t look quite like that in the shower. 

Sue really did have a kid.  I am still perplexed. 

Love that the competition to be a new soloist turns into a fun ensemble number.  That better be where this is going. 

Oh, Kate might have a heart.  And the Glee club has lost its heart!  Big fail, guess we still have lessons to learn.  Oh kids, I am so disappointed.

But Ryan Murphy has managed to bring me to tears a mere 18 minutes in with the new girl and her mom.  This is why I watch this show.  And the musical numbers.

Auditions are both a flashback to season 1 and a sign of how far they’ve come. Oh, and a little Puckerman... with a beautiful voice, but still totally a Puckerman.

Oh, I think we have the new Rachel.  Also, I have to say that you will always win me over with a quality Billy Joel song.

Kurt offers some wisdom to the ego-crazed glee clubs.  They better take it, I’d like to get through my all my tears on this mom the lunch lady storyline in one episode.

So Kurt is a little wiser, but he needs Blaine’s advice, and a little musical number so that he can go off to NYC.  And I don’t know this song, but I like it.  Of course, I usually like whatever Darren Criss sings.  Also, in case you thought I wasn’t paying attention, I have definitely noticed the lack of bow ties for Blaine.  What’s up wardrobe?  Don’t you know that bow ties are cool?

So I can’t help but wonder during this commercial if Finn, Santana, Mike, Mercedes, Quinn & Puck will just have brief cameos throughout the rest of the season (all were notably absent tonight).  I’m feeling like this Rachel (and Kurt and new friends) in NYC and the others back in Lima might work.  Or will it be set up to have one of the recent grads per episode in conjunction with the McKinley happenings.  Let’s just say 45 minutes in and while I’m enjoying, I am having trouble seeing where it’s going.

New Rachel for the win at the lunch table, these kids better get it figured out.  Even if it means slushies.

And old Rachel is turning into a new Rachel.  Ah, episode continuity.  Also, new boy is adorable. But almost too good to be true.  He's a little bit Eric from Suite Scarlett.  (Team Max, for what it's worth)

When in doubt, listen to Burt.  He is the best.  Also, he is a Congressman now, they can afford it.   When Burt cries, we all cry. 

There is the Glee club that I know and love!  Loving everyone and getting ice cold beverages thrown in their face for it.  You're right bitchy new cheerleader, order is restored. 

So what we’ve learned is that Glee can still tug at my heart strings.  I don’t know where it’s going, but I continue to be entertained.  I guess I’ll keep watching.  Plus don't they need 12 people in Glee to compete?  I feel we're a little short.  I might as well keep watching to see what happens.

Coming soon:  Sarah hasn't had time to come up with anything new since this morning.  She's sleeping.

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