Saturday, February 8, 2014

I don’t know about you… but I am not feelin’ 29…KE

So this is a “oh my God I’m turning 29 this week” blog… because well, I am. I always take a bit of comfort that you are a bit older… and my age has never really bothered me… but wow. 29. Not feelin’ so great about it.

You posted this a few weeks… 29 awesome things about being 29.
And many of these things ring very true… And many that don’t ring so true… so let's review...
#1- I don’t really give a shit a lot of the time.
#2- 11pm has always and will always be a socially acceptable bed time in my book. Because I don’t really give a shit if it isn’t.
#3- Most my friends here are in their 20s and then I am old and wise… at home many of my friends are a bit older and I’m the young one… it’s a win either way….
#4- Craft beer has always and will always be delicious… this is not an age thing… it’s just been what can I afford.
#5- They were never soul crushing acts of sadism. Life lessons yes…but I was never that damaged.
#6- I love to gossip and it’s true… I don’t feel as guilty about it as I once did.
#7- There are no foamy pillows in my life- just cheap ones from the department store. And I sleep fine.
#8- I have never felt the need to join on the social network sites… and yet I belong to more than others my age… so in that way I am rather youthful still.
#9- I’m a teacher… I hang out with teachers… of course we’re all tired. Age has little to do with that.
#10- Is calling someone out on something really a sign of age or just personality?
#11- I order white wine when I want… because again… see number 1.
#12- I am hip when it comes to music and I know who Avicii is.
#13- Friends is in syndication on like 10 different challenges… I am young enough that I wasn’t alive when I Love Lucy was on… but I know what it is. Friends is known by people much young than me.
#14- It does not take me 5 minutes to get ready… that is just false.
#15- Money conserving is definitely becoming my sure sign of age.
#16- Like Jess said- “Cause it Can”
#17- This has always been true… as a matter as fact when I was younger I was required to dress up as often as I am now… so I dismiss this one.
#18- I prefer the term “Youths”.
#19- True, true, true. In all my traveling lately this is one that I know as a sure sign of age. 16 person dorm rooms at hostels just don’t cut it for me anymore.
#20- Um…. Again this is more about personality, because I don’t do this.
#21- Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking in early 20s. But then again if I hadn’t done that… I wouldn’t be here.
#22- I don’t think I ever lied about seeing books and movies… and I usually have at least seen more movies than other people… so I’ve got that going for me anyways.
#23- I still like to plan out some sightseeing when I vacation. But MAYBE I’ve slowed down just a bit.
#24- I think this is a repeat of #1… just generally not caring about some things… a total sign of age.
#25- Save the drama for your mama…
#26- Oh man… this really dates me… but I bring this up often and I still get quite excited when I can find a music video on VH1.
#27- No. I don’t do this. I can go to dinner on my own… but not usually just sit at a bar. I usually drink alone in private.
#28- Kids are pretty awesome.
#29- I can pretend to be Beyonce fabulous… but 30 does freak me out a bit.

So in conclusion... ack... I'm still turning 29. I'm not as poor as I once... I like nice things... and I work more. But I guess I just shouldn't give a shit. :) 

You’re points about the Harry and Hermione thing were very good and well said. JK should have just left it alone. I love Ron and so does Hermione.

The Olympics are hard to follow with no TV and not living in a country that is participating in them. I’m sure they’ll be on in some places though. Just keep me updated on anything exciting.

And my TV viewing goals weren’t reached this weekend. I watched a little. But instead I actually ended up leaving the apartment, going for a walk and then watching a movie with friends. So no new TV thoughts and updates. However I need to begin the Supernatural once again as I am worried you will lap me and then we won’t be able to watch together this summer.

Stay tuned!

Sarah is snowed in...and drunk. 

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