Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kacey Gives Parenting Advice

*Runs In*
I’m here, I’m here! It’s my turn now… Jamie has lapped me… twice. I told her she had to let me have a turn- or I would tell mom.

I am also going to do a list of “tops” although it doesn’t come out to a nice even 10.

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A PARENT.

However, I do have pretty kick ass parents… and they would probably be the first to tell you parenting has no simple answers. While my parents will be the number one influence on my own parenting someday, I have compiled a list of fictional parents (both from television and books/movies) that will also factor into my parenting.

(Second Disclaimer: This not a most-famous-of-all-time list, but rather what I personally have grown up with and ultimately find the most influential)

Red and Kitty Foreman (That 70s Show)
The perfect combination of tough love and enabling love. Kitty loves being a mom and taking care of not just her own children, but all the burn outs that hang out in her basement. Red on the other hand acts as if he hates them all, but ultimately provides the discipline and guidance the burn outs need (even while threatening many feet up asses).

Danny, Joey and Jesse (Full House)
Who needs a mom when you have these three men raising you? Goes to show that households can be made up different types of parents, but needs a balance of humor and heart to heart talks. Although I’m pretty convinced they ended up spoiling the youngest.

Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
One of the first books I read more than once. Atticus teaches his kids how to do the right thing by leading by example and showing them how to stand up to what is wrong. He allows his children independence and opportunities to learn lessons on their own, but models that every person deserve a chance no matter what other people say.

Marmee (Little Women)
Technically not a single mom, but she had to do a lot on her own. She raised four very different daughters, puts up with all their crazy antics and never raises her voice. Marmee is the ideal model of being a strong, independent woman and teaching your children that even if you just have a little, you can always share with others.

Cliff and Claire Huxtable (Cosby Show)
Between the 5 Huxtable children and their friends there is never a dull moment in this household. Cliff always said the goal is to get the children out of the house, however he can never seem to achieve that. But through lots of humor and gentle discipline he pushes he kids to work their hardest and accomplish all they can.

Arthur and Molly Weasley* (Harry Potter)
The second you walk into the Weasley house you are family (which can also make you a victim to practical jokes) and Arthur and Molly already have seven kids to worry about, so it’s a big family to be added to. Molly may seem over protective at times and Arthur a little spineless when it comes to his wife. But it’s only because Molly cares so much and Arthur knows how to pick his battles. Ultimately each of their children (even Percy) are raised to care about wellbeing of others and to fight for what is right and not just what is easy. 

*James and Lily are worth mentioning for the sacrifice. However we just have to assume they would have been good parents since they don’t really get a chance to raise their son.

Conclusion: Good parenting is a combination of humor, love, being protective, sacrifice, leading by example, tough love, independence, discipline and did I mention humor?

Coming Soon: Sarah reads the Bible and find the top 10 funniest moments and determines if it is funnier that the Bloggess' book.

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