Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jamie Talks Movie Couples

So today I was perusing the various little articles and headlines on MSN as I do sometimes, and I came across their list of the top 50 movie couples.  And it was alright (and even included some of what I have here), but it could have been better.  Of course now I can’t find the link, but you’ll have to just take my word for it.  My list is better. 

Before I get to my top 10, here are the honorable mentions: Jane Eyre & Mr. Rochester (hard to omit them from the top 10, especially Michael Fassbender), Noah & Allie (I swear, it’s the only Nicholas Sparks adaptation I like, but I love the Notebook, it’s one of the girliest things about me), Bridget & Mark (“Nice men don’t kiss like that” – B “Oh yes they fucking do” – M), Tony & Maria (the music really makes this, plus Natalie Wood is amazing despite not singing), Juno & Pauley Bleeker (like you wouldn’t put orange tic tacs in his mailbox, or fall for the girl who would put orange tic tacs in yours), Patrick & Kat (fiesty women are the best, and he sang to her on the bleachers), Satine & Christian (what? I still know all the words to Come What May… “Never knew, I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before, want to vanish inside your kiss, every day I love you more & more” I can keep going, but I’ll stop), Mr. & Mrs. Incredible (they make it work, saving the world, raising kids, keeping the love alive), & Carl & Ellie (if you don’t cry in the first 15 minutes of Up, you have no soul)

Okay, lots of extras, now the real list:

10) Elizabeth Bennett & Mr. Darcy – Okay, so Keira Knightley & that cute guy are very good, but I’m talking Jennifer Ehle & Colin Firth.  Taking 5 hours to fall in love.  I mean he loves and admires her most ardently.  How can that not be worthy of the top ten?

 9) President Shephard & Sydney Ellen Wade – Everything about this romantic comedy is delightful, and nothing more so than the classic Aaron Sorkin banter, which Michael Douglas & Annette Bening play off so brilliantly.  From the first meeting when she is mortified to the end with the best speech in film history (now that’s an apology!), they are a brilliant and adorable couple.

8) Kathleen Kelly & Joe Fox – I think it’s pretty much required to have Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks on this list.  Some people might go with Sleepless in Seattle, but I’m a You’ve Got Mail girl, all the way.  I’m there with Kathleen at the end when she says, “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly.” (and I already knew it was him!)

7) Lloyd Dobler & Diane Court – Not even the fact that I find her to be a little annoying can ruin this.  He stood outside her window holding a boom box over his head, playing In Your Eyes.  Epic.

6) Danielle & Prince Henry – I really prefer feisty heroines.  And this Cinderella that doesn’t need to be saved is one of my favorite.  My favorite dialogue: “You have found my weakness, but I have yet to learn yous” – D “But I should think it was quite obvious” – H.  Sigh. Swoon.

5) Robin Hood & Maid Marian – Sexy outlaw who robs from the rich to give to the poor falls for lovely lady (and childhood friend) who can hold her own.  Whether they are foxes or live action, I love this romantic duo.

4) Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara – She is the epitome of sassy southern belle.  He is ruggedly handsome, kind of an ass, but in an endearing way.  Proof that it doesn’t have to end well for top couple status.

3) Rick & Ilsa – Speaking of not ending well.  So, Ilsa lacks a little, at least within the film, with regard to badassness.  But I like to think that she has it in her.  And she was just a little distraught.  So she leaned on Bogey.  I mean, wouldn’t you?  And they’ll always have Paris.

2) Harry & Sally – Completely insane, neurotic, takes forever for them to get together, and still one of the best couples in movie history.  Almost the best.  Almost, but they can’t top…

1) Han Solo & Princess Leia – I was going to write this whole post on May 4th (Star Wars day, cause, you know, “May the fourth..” wait, you’ll get it… see, it’s silly, but so are a lot things in life) on how Empire Strikes Back is my favorite.  But it didn’t happen.  Most of it revolved around my love for Han & Leia and their love and awesome banter (we’re still not sure what happened to get from their awesomeness to the frolicking in the fields in Episode II, but that’s a discussion for another post, like most disappointing couples).  Pretty much everything I love about them can be summed up with this dialogue:

Leia: You’re a scoundrel

Han: You like me because I’m a scoundrel.

Leia: I like nice men.

Han: I am a nice man…

Simple, and yet, one of my favorite scenes of all time.  Of course it is surpassed by the classic: L: “I love you” H: “I know”

Badass chick and ruggedly handsome scoundrel.  Movie couple perfection.

Books read: 24 (Not a lot of progress when I post 2 days in a row)

Coming Soon: Inspired by this discussion of fictional couples, Sarah describes what she would do with that wall that Pacey bought Joey.

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