Okay, this is it, and then I'm done with this whole TV season. I didn't put up 30 Rock, but it was good. Let's just leave it there. And Sherlock. Brilliant beyond words. Bring on summer TV and final season of Eureka (which is so good, seriously, watch it right now, I can't believe they are cancelling it after this because it's so good).
Finale Follow Up: NCIS
Lived up to the Hype?: Um, yes. There was an explosion.
Excitement for Next Season?: What part of “there was an explosion” was unclear?
Questions Remaining?: Who died? Did anyone die at the office? Did Ducky really die or will Palmer find him in time?
Standout Performances/Character Moments: I kind of knew the Ducky thing was coming, I feel like they wanted us to go there with all the will stuff. But it didn’t matter, because as soon as Ducky was alone on the beach and got that phone call, I knew. Then the tears started and by the end I was searching for the tissue. Way to just destroy me on a Tuesday night NCIS.
Finale Follow Up: Hawaii 5-0
Lived up to the Hype?: I was behind going into the final week, so I didn’t really feel the hype. I did wonder how they would top the whole arresting Wo Fat thing. And then they did. Holy shit did they.
Excitement for Next Season?: Um, Kono is duct taped and pushed into the water. Yeah, I think that is worth turning in for. Oh, and Shellburn is Steve’s Mom. When he opened the door, I knew before he said anything, but still, mind a little blown. I have suspected she might not be dead, but did not really put together that she was Shellburn. Crazy.
Questions Remaining?: Hell yes. Will someone rescue Kono? (My theory is the Chin somehow called Adam and he will get there, I doubt that dirty cop Baldwin brother would be monitoring the Yakuza, thinking that they would help rescue Kono) What is going to happen with Danny’s custody battle? What is up with the whole Steve’s mom pretending to be dead for decades thing?
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Everything was pretty exciting. I can’t say that I have any particular moments. My one criticism is that the jump from Kono going to her house to Chin getting dirty cop Baldwin brother out of jail came off as totally random. But the intensity picked up again right away with the whole “you must choose” thing. And, I don’t know if he was able to make a call, but I’m with Meryl in that he chose right. You have to go for the person who is less likely to get out of things themselves. Kono is a total badass and it’s definitely possible that she could at least manage to survive to extra time needed.
Finale Follow Up: Glee
Lived up to the Hype?: There was a lot of hype of this, but I kind of tune out the excessive Glee hype. I enjoy the show more without expectations. I would say it was exactly what it should have been. A little bit for each character, parents returning, and some tears. Until the end.
Excitement for Next Season?: More curiosity than excitement.
Questions Remaining?: Should they have just ended it here? I guess the real question is, what the hell is Ryan Murphy’s plan now? I mean, it definitely seemed a little inconclusive, but where does this show go from here?
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Burt is my favorite whenever he is on. Burt doing the Single Ladies dance might be the best thing I’ve ever seen on Glee. I was laughing so hard I was crying, on top of just plain crying at how touching the whole thing was. Tears everywhere. Of course then Sue made me cry.
Additional thoughts: I think that the attempt to prove that the show is not over was forced at the end. The first 2/3 of the episode would have made for a lovely series finale, just needed a couple more musical numbers (perhaps a 2 hour time slot). And then the last third was saying, stick around because there is more to this story. Only all your characters are spread out and the future is uncertain. That works on a certain type of show, where you are waiting to see how they all end of back together (recent years' season finales of NCIS and Hawaii 5-0 come to mind). It doesn't work with a show about a high school Glee club in a small town that these kids have been working to get out of for the last few years. We have spent a few seasons now watching these characters grow into better human beings and we want good things for them, including adventure and stardom and not being in Lima. I felt detached at the end as Rachel went off on her solo adventure because instead of thinking, oh, that’s probably a good ending; I am just thinking WTF are they going to do with this show next year. And when did Sam become a junior? I know the show isn’t known for its continuity, but that was just bad. He came back to do his senior year with his friends, but now he’s a junior? Oh Glee.
Update: This Hypable article about a Ryan Murphy interview peaks my curiosity a little.
Books read: 28 (Mike Doughty’s The Book of Drugs - absolutely awesome)
Coming soon: Sarah pitches a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-like show based on Congressman Burt Hummel’s adventures in D.C to Aaron Sorkin in case his new HBO show doesn’t work out.
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