Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Everything Jamie Knows About Time Travel

Kacey & I have conversations like this all the time.  
How come some vampires can go outside and sparkle while others burst into flame?  
What are the best wizard duels of all time?  
How would the Doctor critique the other time travelers that we know and love?  
We are on a bit of a Doctor Who kick right now (more on that coming soon), so time travel is a hot topic.  Everything I know about time travel I have learned from the movies and TV. Okay, so there was that mini-section on special relativity in Physics in high school.  And it was arguably the most entertaining part of that class (better than my damn bridge).  But I just want to apologize now to people with a real understanding of what actual time travel would involve.  You know, people like Sheldon.   Here is what I know about time travel and where I learned it.
  • Time machines come in all shapes and sizes.  This can be a DeLorean (Back to the Future), a Police Box that is actually a TARDIS (Doctor Who), a phone booth (Bill & Ted), or some kind of space ship like thing (most other films/shows).
  • If you don't have a machine, then some sort of small device will probably work.  Like a timeturner that fits on a necklace (Harry Potter).
  • Time is incredibly sensitive.  If you make one small little change, the whole world could be completely insane.  One guy from the past sneaks off with you to the future and and you come back [details have been redacted so as not to spoil Kacey on Eureka plot lines that she has not yet viewed].  Marty McFly (Back to the Future, but I seriously hope you knew that just from the name) almost erased himself from existence.  Try not to do this when travelling in time.  Just stick to the plan and lay low.
  • Alternative timelines are complicated.  However, if you have already seen Back to the Future II prior to watching the J.J. Abrams Star Trek film, you will immediately grasp what is going on with this reboot.  Because you know that one little shift creates an alternative timeline where the future is different.  Your main timeline is still there, but you have to undo what caused the split in order to fix it.  Or you can just go on in the newly created future.  It's a choice really.  If it sucks a lot and you can pinpoint the moment of the change, and you have the means to change it, then you should go back and turn left.  You won't remember not existing.
  • Do not be seen by yourself.  This would seriously freak you out.  You really shouldn't interact with a past or future version of yourself.  You could create a paradox.  Or just bad things would happen.  Of course, sometimes seeing how awesome your life is going to be can help you to go back and deal with a not so awesome childhood, like in Meet the Robinsons.
  • Seeing an alternative version of yourself, however, is probably okay. At least according to Spock, and when is he ever wrong?   
  • There are some things that cannot be changed - The Doctor is very clear on this, and when he tries to be bigger than these important moments, it backfires.  Some things simply must happen.  They are too important to the progression of time.
  • History is really cool - Bill & Ted really captures this.  I mean, who doesn't want to pick up Socrates & Lincoln for a day to party, and then have them remind us all to be excellent to each other.  Not to mention, you just may get to hang out with Van Gogh or Churchill if you're traveling with the Doctor.  Of course, you may find out that romanticizing the past won't bring you any real happiness, and you should try to appreciate the present and dump your annoying fiance, like in Midnight in Paris.  Only realize this after having drinks with Hemingway.  Always have drinks with Hemingway first.
  • Living the same day over and over again is not time travel.  It's torture. I'm pretty sure it's against the Geneva Conventions, but sometimes the powers that be feel you need some additional time to figure out your life (which is my interpretation of Groundhog's Day), or a device goes all wonky in Eureka and you are the only one who knows what is happening.  That, unlike if you are just some TV jerk, does not end well.
  • Time is really just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey All of these other things are totally true, but per usual, the last remaining time lord says it best.
Books read: 29 (The Art of Fielding is amazing)

Coming Soon: After hearing that 50 Shades of Grey was originally Twilight fan fiction, Sarah writes a colorful review of the series, without bothering to read it.  She also looks up the names of the main characters and offers casting suggestions.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jamie Final Finale Post

Okay, this is it, and then I'm done with this whole TV season.  I didn't put up 30 Rock, but it was good.  Let's just leave it there.  And Sherlock.  Brilliant beyond words.  Bring on summer TV and final season of Eureka (which is so good, seriously, watch it right now, I can't believe they are cancelling it after this because it's so good). 

Finale Follow Up: NCIS
Lived up to the Hype?:  Um, yes. There was an explosion.
Excitement for Next Season?: What part of “there was an explosion” was unclear?
Questions Remaining?: Who died?  Did anyone die at the office?  Did Ducky really die or will Palmer find him in time?  
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  I kind of knew the Ducky thing was coming, I feel like they wanted us to go there with all the will stuff.  But it didn’t matter, because as soon as Ducky was alone on the beach and got that phone call, I knew. Then the tears started and by the end I was searching for the tissue.  Way to just destroy me on a Tuesday night NCIS.
Finale Follow Up: Hawaii 5-0
Lived up to the Hype?: I was behind going into the final week, so I didn’t really feel the hype.  I did wonder how they would top the whole arresting Wo Fat thing. And then they did.  Holy shit did they.
Excitement for Next Season?: Um, Kono is duct taped and pushed into the water.  Yeah, I think that is worth turning in for. Oh, and Shellburn is Steve’s Mom. When he opened the door, I knew before he said anything, but still, mind a little blown.  I have suspected she might not be dead, but did not really put together that she was Shellburn. Crazy.
Questions Remaining?: Hell yes.  Will someone rescue Kono? (My theory is the Chin somehow called Adam and he will get there, I doubt that dirty cop Baldwin brother would be monitoring the Yakuza, thinking that they would help rescue Kono)  What is going to happen with Danny’s custody battle? What is up with the whole Steve’s mom pretending to be dead for decades thing?
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Everything was pretty exciting.  I can’t say that I have any particular moments.  My one criticism is that the jump from Kono going to her house to Chin getting dirty cop Baldwin brother out of jail came off as totally random.  But the intensity picked up again right away with the whole “you must choose” thing.  And, I don’t know if he was able to make a call, but I’m with Meryl in that he chose right.  You have to go for the person who is less likely to get out of things themselves.  Kono is a total badass and it’s definitely possible that she could at least manage to survive to extra time needed.
Finale Follow Up: Glee
Lived up to the Hype?:  There was a lot of hype of this, but I kind of tune out the excessive Glee hype.  I enjoy the show more without expectations. I would say it was exactly what it should have been.  A little bit for each character, parents returning, and some tears.  Until the end.  
Excitement for Next Season?: More curiosity than excitement.  
Questions Remaining?: Should they have just ended it here? I guess the real question is, what the hell is Ryan Murphy’s plan now?  I mean, it definitely seemed a little inconclusive, but where does this show go from here?
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Burt is my favorite whenever he is on.  Burt doing the Single Ladies dance might be the best thing I’ve ever seen on Glee.  I was laughing so hard I was crying, on top of just plain crying at how touching the whole thing was.  Tears everywhere.  Of course then Sue made me cry.  
Additional thoughts: I think that the attempt to prove that the show is not over was forced at the end. The first 2/3 of the episode would have made for a lovely series finale, just needed a couple more musical numbers (perhaps a 2 hour time slot). And then the last third was saying, stick around because there is more to this story. Only all your characters are spread out and the future is uncertain. That works on a certain type of show, where you are waiting to see how they all end of back together (recent years' season finales of NCIS and Hawaii 5-0 come to mind). It doesn't work with a show about a high school Glee club in a small town that these kids have been working to get out of for the last few years. We have spent a few seasons now watching these characters grow into better human beings and we want good things for them, including adventure and stardom and not being in Lima. I felt detached at the end as Rachel went off on her solo adventure because instead of thinking, oh, that’s probably a good ending; I am just thinking WTF are they going to do with this show next year.  And when did Sam become a junior?  I know the show isn’t known for its continuity, but that was just bad.  He came back to do his senior year with his friends, but now he’s a junior?  Oh Glee.
Update: This Hypable article about a Ryan Murphy interview peaks my curiosity a little.
Books read: 28 (Mike Doughty’s The Book of Drugs - absolutely awesome)
Coming soon:  Sarah pitches a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-like show based on Congressman Burt Hummel’s adventures in D.C to Aaron Sorkin in case his new HBO show doesn’t work out.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kacey Gives Parenting Advice

*Runs In*
I’m here, I’m here! It’s my turn now… Jamie has lapped me… twice. I told her she had to let me have a turn- or I would tell mom.

I am also going to do a list of “tops” although it doesn’t come out to a nice even 10.

Disclaimer: I AM NOT A PARENT.

However, I do have pretty kick ass parents… and they would probably be the first to tell you parenting has no simple answers. While my parents will be the number one influence on my own parenting someday, I have compiled a list of fictional parents (both from television and books/movies) that will also factor into my parenting.

(Second Disclaimer: This not a most-famous-of-all-time list, but rather what I personally have grown up with and ultimately find the most influential)

Red and Kitty Foreman (That 70s Show)
The perfect combination of tough love and enabling love. Kitty loves being a mom and taking care of not just her own children, but all the burn outs that hang out in her basement. Red on the other hand acts as if he hates them all, but ultimately provides the discipline and guidance the burn outs need (even while threatening many feet up asses).

Danny, Joey and Jesse (Full House)
Who needs a mom when you have these three men raising you? Goes to show that households can be made up different types of parents, but needs a balance of humor and heart to heart talks. Although I’m pretty convinced they ended up spoiling the youngest.

Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
One of the first books I read more than once. Atticus teaches his kids how to do the right thing by leading by example and showing them how to stand up to what is wrong. He allows his children independence and opportunities to learn lessons on their own, but models that every person deserve a chance no matter what other people say.

Marmee (Little Women)
Technically not a single mom, but she had to do a lot on her own. She raised four very different daughters, puts up with all their crazy antics and never raises her voice. Marmee is the ideal model of being a strong, independent woman and teaching your children that even if you just have a little, you can always share with others.

Cliff and Claire Huxtable (Cosby Show)
Between the 5 Huxtable children and their friends there is never a dull moment in this household. Cliff always said the goal is to get the children out of the house, however he can never seem to achieve that. But through lots of humor and gentle discipline he pushes he kids to work their hardest and accomplish all they can.

Arthur and Molly Weasley* (Harry Potter)
The second you walk into the Weasley house you are family (which can also make you a victim to practical jokes) and Arthur and Molly already have seven kids to worry about, so it’s a big family to be added to. Molly may seem over protective at times and Arthur a little spineless when it comes to his wife. But it’s only because Molly cares so much and Arthur knows how to pick his battles. Ultimately each of their children (even Percy) are raised to care about wellbeing of others and to fight for what is right and not just what is easy. 

*James and Lily are worth mentioning for the sacrifice. However we just have to assume they would have been good parents since they don’t really get a chance to raise their son.

Conclusion: Good parenting is a combination of humor, love, being protective, sacrifice, leading by example, tough love, independence, discipline and did I mention humor?

Coming Soon: Sarah reads the Bible and find the top 10 funniest moments and determines if it is funnier that the Bloggess' book.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Jamie's Finale Follow Up: We're getting serious now

Alright, we're getting serious now.  Only a few more shows left, but these four, whose finales happened Friday, Sunday, & tonight, are going to be hard to top.  Although it looks like people might die on some of those CBS cop shows we watch.  We'll see.  But for now, we've got science fiction, fairy tales, comedy, & good old fashioned drama.

Lived up to the Hype?: Always.
Excitement for Next Season?: Whenever a show ends with a cryptic message from an Observer, and September in particular, you know it’s going to be good.  Good in that confusion, constantly changing, yell at your TV kind of way.
Questions Remaining?: Olivia was not in the future episode, so is she going to be alive then or not?  Will we jump forward and deal with the observers then (and if so, will that be an add on at the end, a la Dollhouse, or will we get there earlier in this 13 episode final run), or will they get some information from September that helps them change the future?  Plus a million more questions.  Cause it’s Fringe.
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  There were some lovely Peter & Olivia moments (especially the end!), but I still giggle when I think about Nina’s Glinda the Good Witch moment, as she tells Olivia that she’s always had the power.  I was pretty sure the next thing out of her mouth was going to be “click you heels...” 

Once Upon a Time
Lived up to the Hype?: Let’s just put it this way.  Both Kacey and my roommate sent me messages containing the phrase “holy shit” before I had a chance to watch, and I was still watching with my jaw on the floor.
Excitement for Next Season?: I think that purple smoke spreading over the town to bring back the magic pretty much counts for building excitement.
Questions Remaining?:  Only a million.  I love the set-up for the fairy tale world storyline for next season, getting from Snow & Charming together to them married with a baby and seeming to be royalty.  Also, who is Dr. Whale in the fairy tale world?  And could he maybe have a British accent there?
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  Emma shooting at the dragon.  You can’t use a gun on a dragon, obviously, but Emma is still rooted in reality (even though she believes) and so she had to try, before she just chucked the sword at it.  Also loved the return of Graham, even if it was only in the past.  He is just so cute.

How I Met Your Mother 
Lived up to the Hype?: It was pretty much as expected, with a little twist.
Excitement for Next Season?: It continues the overall theme of the show, which is...
Questions Remaining?: How do we get to where we all know we’re headed.  Robin & Barney are getting married (although apparently it’s a terrible disaster of a wedding??) but right now Barney & Quinn are engaged.  Plus Ted & Victoria are driving off into the sunset, but we’re all pretty sure she is not the mom, so we need to figure out where that is heading.  A lot of questions for a show whose conclusion is in the title.
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  This entire cast is absolutely brilliant.  Drunk Marshal is always amazing, and Barney stealing a motorcycle (while wearing the ducky tie) and also performing an epic magic trick was epic.  But the real scene stealer was Marvin Waitforit Erickson.

Hart of Dixie
Lived up to the Hype?: Oh dear god yes.
Excitement for Next Season?:  Drama, drama, drama.  That was quite the final moment with Zoe having her choice between two of Bluebell’s finest.  Again, I want to go on record: Team Wade.
Questions Remaining?: Wade or George.  George or Wade. Will Lemon completely break down?  Will she go back to Lavon?  Will he take her back?  Will anyone care?
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  I am partial to any time that Wade takes his shirt off.  And that happened, a couple times.  I also love Tom (and his weather predicting knee) & Wanda.  But mostly Wade taking off his shirt.  Oh!  And baby goats.  And when Wade took off his shirt to help save the baby goats.

Books read: 27

Coming Soon: Sarah writes a puppet show about a taxidermist named Victor and his three mice.  Or possibly it's a review of the Bloggess' book. 

Jamie's Finale Follow Up - Thursday Night Comedy

I know, I know... I need to watch Once Upon a Time.  I will get to it.  I was on a train because I went to visit my mother.  So quit telling me how #&#^&#$-tastic it was.  I have to go to work.  I will get to it soon.  In the meantime, here's my follow up for the best TV on Thursday nights (note: I also love Liz Lemon, but that finale is next week)
Parks & Recreation
Lived up to the Hype?: Election results always do.  A recount and a drunken finish always make for an exciting election night.
Excitement for Next Season?: Of course! How will the Parks department work now that Leslie is on the city council?
Questions Remaining?: Is Adam Scott (Ben) going to leave?  Can’t he just stay?  I want him to stay.  I hope that this adventure to D.C. for Ben is short lived.
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Honorable mentions to Ann Perkins as her results delivery was brilliant, and April hiding under the table after losing some files (I love it when April cares, just a little).  However, as always, the standout was the incomparable Ron Swanson.  Explaining to Leslie why they all did it (barely able to get out that they care about her, not about all the time they put into the race), and then following it up by suggesting she drive because he’d had 11 whiskeys.  (How did he get there?)
The Big Bang Theory
Lived up to the Hype?: Sure.  I mean, space and a wedding.  Plus the return of Amy’s tiara.
Excitement for Next Season?: Hell yes!  I mean, I assume they aren’t killing off Wolowitz, but the man did just launch into space in a questionable machine.
Questions Remaining?: As always, the future of Leonard & Penny, but whatever, it’ll be funny and awesome.  Really though, my only question is, when will we get to see Leonard & Sheldon’s moms again.  They are my favorites.
Standout Performances/Character Moments: This episode so perfectly captured all of the characters during the wedding scene (I LOVED that they all got ordained to perform the ceremony together).  And then the end scene with the hand holding was pretty significant all around.  I love that a show that doesn’t shy away from dirty jokes and ended last season by having two characters unexpectedly get drunk and hook up, can also give us three quality moments using some good old fashioned hand holding.  
Books read: 27
Coming Soon: Sarah writes a campaign plan for Sheldon, who will be running for supreme commander of the universe.   

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jamie’s Finale Follow Up: Castle, The New Girl, Two Broke Girls (SPOILERS! Seriously, don’t read this until you’ve watched)

I’m going to weigh in on the season finales in little bunches, shortly after they occur.  At least that’s the plan. Because I set them up earlier this week, so it only seems appropriate to follow up.

Lived up to the Hype?: Oh, hell yes.  Hard to follow last year’s epic and intense finale, but I think they may have done it.
Excitement for Next Season?: Absolutely. Now that we’ve covered will they or won’t they, there is just so much more.  Extremely well done.
Questions Remaining?: What will they do now?  Can’t you see Beckett & Castle (Caskett? Beckstle?) become private detectives a la Veronica Mars.  Okay, so it’s highly unlikely, but wouldn’t it be fun?  More likely they’ll get called back into work, because they are a badass crime solving duo.  Even Gates has to admit that, unless she’s evil.  I’m going to ponder that over the summer.
Standout Performances/Character Moments: I wanted to punch Javy in the face, and I love Ryan.  Also, love that Tahmoh Penikett (aka Paul from Dollhouse, and Helo from Battlestar Galactica) was cast as the shooter.  Hope we get to see him some more next season, you know, before he gets killed/arrested. 

The New Girl
Lived up to the Hype?: I don’t think there was a lot of hype, but it was awesome.
Excitement for Next Season?: Yes, in that we get more fun with the roommates.  All four of them.
Questions Remaining?: Nah.  We all know that Nick & Jess are meant to be, some day. For now, they can all just keep hanging out. 
Standout Performances/Character Moments: Technically, AC/DC is not a character on the show, but maybe it could be.  The end sequence with everyone dancing to You Shook Me All Night Long has got to be one of the best endings to a season ever. 

Two Broke Girls
Lived up to the Hype?: Well, I mean, it had Martha Stewart.  Which, for a show about two girls who want to have a cupcake business, is pretty awesome.
Excitement for Next Season?: Not particularly, but I will certainly keep watching. 
Questions Remaining?: Not really that kind of show.  And I assume we are done with Johnny and can move on now.  I like that the romance elements of this show are secondary.  I’m sure they will come into play if it keeps going, but for now, all about the ladies.
Standout Performances/Character Moments:  I think in general, the addition of Jennifer Coolidge mid-season was a brilliant choice.  She fits into the little dysfunctional that they have created extremely well. The scene in the dress store was classic.

Books read: 25, Halfway! (Couldn’t put down Shine by Lauren Myracle, it was incredible)

Coming Soon: On a roll with TV mashups, Sarah writes cameos for Nathan Fillion to appear on both The New Girl & Two Broke Girls.  On The New Girl he subs for Jess when she is out sick and gives Captain Hammer like advice to her students on how to deal with bullies and super villains, with Nick, Winston, & Schmidt’s assistance.  On Two Broke Girls he plays a wealthy writer with a cupcake obsession looking to invest in a new business, but things fall apart when we realize that the girls getting rich would pretty much ruin the point of the show (it’s very meta).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jamie Talks Movie Couples

So today I was perusing the various little articles and headlines on MSN as I do sometimes, and I came across their list of the top 50 movie couples.  And it was alright (and even included some of what I have here), but it could have been better.  Of course now I can’t find the link, but you’ll have to just take my word for it.  My list is better. 

Before I get to my top 10, here are the honorable mentions: Jane Eyre & Mr. Rochester (hard to omit them from the top 10, especially Michael Fassbender), Noah & Allie (I swear, it’s the only Nicholas Sparks adaptation I like, but I love the Notebook, it’s one of the girliest things about me), Bridget & Mark (“Nice men don’t kiss like that” – B “Oh yes they fucking do” – M), Tony & Maria (the music really makes this, plus Natalie Wood is amazing despite not singing), Juno & Pauley Bleeker (like you wouldn’t put orange tic tacs in his mailbox, or fall for the girl who would put orange tic tacs in yours), Patrick & Kat (fiesty women are the best, and he sang to her on the bleachers), Satine & Christian (what? I still know all the words to Come What May… “Never knew, I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before, want to vanish inside your kiss, every day I love you more & more” I can keep going, but I’ll stop), Mr. & Mrs. Incredible (they make it work, saving the world, raising kids, keeping the love alive), & Carl & Ellie (if you don’t cry in the first 15 minutes of Up, you have no soul)

Okay, lots of extras, now the real list:

10) Elizabeth Bennett & Mr. Darcy – Okay, so Keira Knightley & that cute guy are very good, but I’m talking Jennifer Ehle & Colin Firth.  Taking 5 hours to fall in love.  I mean he loves and admires her most ardently.  How can that not be worthy of the top ten?

 9) President Shephard & Sydney Ellen Wade – Everything about this romantic comedy is delightful, and nothing more so than the classic Aaron Sorkin banter, which Michael Douglas & Annette Bening play off so brilliantly.  From the first meeting when she is mortified to the end with the best speech in film history (now that’s an apology!), they are a brilliant and adorable couple.

8) Kathleen Kelly & Joe Fox – I think it’s pretty much required to have Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks on this list.  Some people might go with Sleepless in Seattle, but I’m a You’ve Got Mail girl, all the way.  I’m there with Kathleen at the end when she says, “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly.” (and I already knew it was him!)

7) Lloyd Dobler & Diane Court – Not even the fact that I find her to be a little annoying can ruin this.  He stood outside her window holding a boom box over his head, playing In Your Eyes.  Epic.

6) Danielle & Prince Henry – I really prefer feisty heroines.  And this Cinderella that doesn’t need to be saved is one of my favorite.  My favorite dialogue: “You have found my weakness, but I have yet to learn yous” – D “But I should think it was quite obvious” – H.  Sigh. Swoon.

5) Robin Hood & Maid Marian – Sexy outlaw who robs from the rich to give to the poor falls for lovely lady (and childhood friend) who can hold her own.  Whether they are foxes or live action, I love this romantic duo.

4) Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara – She is the epitome of sassy southern belle.  He is ruggedly handsome, kind of an ass, but in an endearing way.  Proof that it doesn’t have to end well for top couple status.

3) Rick & Ilsa – Speaking of not ending well.  So, Ilsa lacks a little, at least within the film, with regard to badassness.  But I like to think that she has it in her.  And she was just a little distraught.  So she leaned on Bogey.  I mean, wouldn’t you?  And they’ll always have Paris.

2) Harry & Sally – Completely insane, neurotic, takes forever for them to get together, and still one of the best couples in movie history.  Almost the best.  Almost, but they can’t top…

1) Han Solo & Princess Leia – I was going to write this whole post on May 4th (Star Wars day, cause, you know, “May the fourth..” wait, you’ll get it… see, it’s silly, but so are a lot things in life) on how Empire Strikes Back is my favorite.  But it didn’t happen.  Most of it revolved around my love for Han & Leia and their love and awesome banter (we’re still not sure what happened to get from their awesomeness to the frolicking in the fields in Episode II, but that’s a discussion for another post, like most disappointing couples).  Pretty much everything I love about them can be summed up with this dialogue:

Leia: You’re a scoundrel

Han: You like me because I’m a scoundrel.

Leia: I like nice men.

Han: I am a nice man…

Simple, and yet, one of my favorite scenes of all time.  Of course it is surpassed by the classic: L: “I love you” H: “I know”

Badass chick and ruggedly handsome scoundrel.  Movie couple perfection.

Books read: 24 (Not a lot of progress when I post 2 days in a row)

Coming Soon: Inspired by this discussion of fictional couples, Sarah describes what she would do with that wall that Pacey bought Joey.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jamie Watchs Too Much TV

I do, I know I do.  Not only that, but I get really attached.  So that when season finale time comes around, it is high stress (not to mention, when you don’t know if shows are coming back for another season or not).  Here’s where I’m at (in order from Sunday – Saturday), as we approach the end of the season:
Once Upon a Time: When this started, I was very concerned about where they would go once Emma believed (and potentially broke) the curse, but then I got so wrapped up in what was happening each week, that I didn’t have time to dwell on that, I was too focused on how much I wanted to throw something that would go through my TV and hit Regina in her smug, evil face.  Now that we are a week out from the finale and it looks like Emma might finally believe, I am back to the original question.  However, I have decided to have faith in the writers (who say they have a plan for where to go from here).  I am guessing they may go a little the way of Heroes (only w/out the writer’s strike to throw off the flow in the middle) where each season wraps up a particular storyline, and we get something slightly new, but of course with the same characters, each season.  As opposed to making it more like Lost where there is build up each season toward one thing, which ultimately ends up disappointing a significant portion of the audience (except me, I am like the only person I know who likes the end of Lost, or the later seasons of Heroes for that matter).  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
**That was way too long.  Let’ s keep these a little shorter from here on out.
Sherlock: Just started, only 2 episodes to go, why is this show so amazing??
How I Met Your Mother: There’s gonna be a baby!!!  And maybe a wedding?!?!  I can’t say this has me super stressed, nothing like certain other Monday night shows.  But I am VERY intrigued.
Two Broke Girls: No stress, just laughs, and it’s renewed for next season.  Can’t wait to laugh at these ladies all over again next season.
Hart of Dixie: Stop judging me.  Mostly, I just hope that my favorite guilty pleasure of the season comes back next year.  Come on CW, all of your ratings are low, just keep this adorable little show.  Also, Team Wade for life.
Eureka: Don’t tell me what’s happening!  I have one more episode from season 4.5 (oh Syfy, you and your silly seasons) and then I can catch up on this final season and start watching it as it unfolds.  Pros to shows being cancelled: not stressing about whether or not they’ll get to finish.  Cons: The show is cancelled.  Obviously, that sucks.
Bones: I’m behind on this too, but I have heard tale of excitement in the final couple episodes.
Castle:  I could not be more stressed out about what tonight’s season finale has in store.  Beckett & Castle in love, dealing with her shooting, are they finally going to be together, will they fight, will they make up, and will we have to wait all fraking summer to find out???  I don’t know if I can take another Castle cliffhanger.  Not like last year.
Hawaii 5-0: I am a little behind on this show, but they don’t seem to have any lack of intensity.  Ever. 
Glee: Is it okay if I don’t care?  I mean, I still enjoy Glee and all its ridiculousness, but I’m afraid I have only a passing curiosity as to what happens to them next season.  Just sing me some fun songs and throw in a few tearjerker moments, and I’m good.
NCIS: Again, I think I’m a little behind.  But things are finally coming back around, so I’m sure Gibbs & Co will have some sort of noteworthy finale. Plus, maybe Tony & Ziva will work on breaking rule #12?
The New Girl: Mostly, I just laugh. And laugh.  And try not to choke on my food (there should be a disclaimer at the start, warning you not to eat while viewing) because of the laughing.  But I am a little concerned that Nick is going to move out.  Come on Nick, get it together.  You have to stay at the loft. 
The Big Bang Theory: Will Howard & Bernadette get married? Will Howard go to space? Will Penny & Leonard stay together?  Will Sheldon & Amy…um, you know? Will Raj find a lady? 
30 Rock: I don’t have any questions, I’m just here to watch (my BFF) Tina Fey be Liz Lemon. 
Parks & Recreation: I think I am as concerned about this election as I am about the real elections in November.  Okay, not really, but I am definitely worried for Leslie.  Voters can sometimes make poor choices, and she just wants this so bad, and would be so good for the town of Pawnee.
Fringe: Astrid!!!!  Kacey says she can’t die, she was in the amber.  But what if something happened and now that doesn’t exist.  I find it all very stressful.  Is that definitely where things end up?  What is going to happen to Olivia?  Can they really wrap this up in 13 episodes next season?  I mean, of course they can, and thank the TV gods they get to do just that. (Don’t anger the TV gods when you are still waiting to hear on other shows)
Okay, so when I lay it out like that, I think it’s really just Once Upon a Time, Castle, & Fringe that are high stress.   And Hart of Dixie is the only show left on the proverbial chopping block.  And you’re probably still judging me for that.  But whatever.  I’m just going to go make myself a Team Wade t-shirt.

Books read: 24 (Finally! I still have a couple hundred pages of Clash of Kings, but in the meantime, I finished Jenny Lawson's (The Bloggess) Let's Pretend this Never Happened.)

Coming Soon: Sarah writes a Bones/NCIS/Eureka triple crossover episode where they find the remains of a marine whose crazy experiment threatens to destroy town of Eureka.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jamie's Internet Fave Five (for Aprilish)

I was thinking that I needed to write up a post with some of the best things that I have found on the internet lately, because I love the internet, when I started watching Felicia Day’s Flog (more on that later), which she begins by noting her “fave five” of the week. Well, I feel like that is a solid number and I think I have a pretty good list for this. I am calling this my fave five for Aprilish (some were discovered earlier), even though I'm not getting this posted until May 1st.  That just means that I now have the rest of May to find my next fave five.  Right? Details like that are irrelevant. Here is the list:

1) Caine’s Arcade – Huge thank you to my friend Jeff for telling me about this and sending the link. Mostly, what I want to say is just go watch this video. You won’t regret it. I guess the point of this blog is to offer at least a brief summary so you know why I love these things. Okay, it’s about a kid who builds his own elaborate arcarde out of cardboard boxes from his dad’s store. And then he finally gets a customer. You will not want these 10 minutes back after you watch this video. You’ll want to watch it again.

2) Lizzie Bennett Diaries – There are, in the world, a plethora of Pride & Prejudice adaptations. That is a topic for another post, and I probably won’t write it because our friend Jenna already did and it’s far better than anything I could come up with, so you should just read hers here. However, I do want to talk about this modern vlog version, crafted by vlogbrother Hank Green, his wife Katherine Green, and a few other obviously brilliant people. They have tweaked the storyline to make it fit into a world where Lizzie would be vlogging. It’s mostly just Lizzie with guest appearances from her sisters (only two in this version, Jane & Lydia) and her best friend & video editor Charlotte Lucas. The other players only appear (so far) by virtue of Lizzie’s colorful interpretations of them. That include props. Because you have to have props. If you are a P&P fan, this is a must.

3) Geek & Sundry – This is the part where I gush about how awesome Felicia Day is. If you don’t know who Felicia Day is, that is a tragedy for you and I suggest you remedy that. As soon as possible. In addition to being an actress (notable for being Penny in Dr. Horrible, one of the potentials on Buffy, & Dr. Holly Martin on Eureka, etc), she is also the writer/producer/creator/star of the hit web series The Guild. I am not a gamer, I have never played an online video game such as World of Warcraft, and yet I cannot get enough of this show about a group of people who are friends because of this very thing. Nor can I stop listening to "I'm the One That's Cool" which involves the cast of this hilarious show.  So when You Tube was going about finding folks to create original content for new channels, it is not surprising at all that one of them went to Felicia. Geek & Sundry includes a variety of new content (some of which will not premiere until later this year), but my favorite two things are the Flog & Tabletop. The Flog, mentioned in the intro to this post, is Felicia’s personal vlog where she lists her fave five, takes on some sort of random task/activity, and (my favorite part!) answers a letter from a viewer, on her typewriter, and mails it back to them. Only a few episodes in, and this is always my favorite part. It might be the monkey. Tabletop is produced with Wil Wheaton, who also appears in the episodes, and makes me want to play whatever nerdy board game they happen to be playing that week. For each episode, a group of celebrities (it seems they are generally friends of Wil and/or Felicia) gather with Wil to play some sort of tapletop board game. The rules are explained and then the drama unfolds. It’s casual, but very entertaining as the participants scheme and laugh and just have a great time.

4) Texts from Hillary – So this internet meme is pretty much already done, but it might be my favorite tumblr to date. And that is saying a lot when you consider that there is a tumblr that combines images of Saved by the Bell with Kanye lyrics, one that merges Downton Abbey with Party Down (and one with ArrestedDevelopment), and there is one incredibly brilliant tumblr all about charts. I’ve convinced it is actually Marshall’s blog. And, there are the million different things that women (such as librarians) and some men want Ryan Gosling to say while looking all sexy, like, well, himself. But the amazing things that came from one badass image of Secretary of State Clinton looking at her phone top them all. In case you were hiding under a rock, or your kid didn’t forward them to you (I sent it to my mom, she loves Hillary, and it is important to keep her in the loop), check them out in all their glory.

5) Nerd Girl Problems – Speaking of tumblrs I love, which you will seen pinned all over Pinterest, a list of my recent favorite internet things would not be complete without a mention of Nerd Girl Problems. Do I understand every single thing they post? Of course not. But do some of them touch the very core of my being? Oh, you know they do. Because I only like shopping if it’s for books (okay, or movies/music), I slip the occasional “frak” into the conversation, I still feel I am more Ravenclaw than Hufflepuff (I’m talking to you Pottermore), I’m waiting for the Doctor to show up in his blue box, I might punch the next person who says the Hunger Games is the new Twilight, I am still laughing at people who wouldn’t watch A Very Potter Musical but can’t stop talking about Klaine, and yes, I often feel that the only people who get my references are my siblings.

Books read: I’m still working on Clash of Kings. Its really long okay, but in other news I’ve only got 1 more episode of Doctor Who series 6, and 4 more episodes of Eureka season 4.5. So it’s not like I haven’t been productive.

Coming Soon: Sarah, after watching all the Crash Course episodes to date (which nearly made the list of Jamie’s favorite internet things, because it is brilliant) and the ultimate Rodgers & Hammerstein collection, pitches her new You Tube channel, which will feature 10 minute musicals about large sea mammals.