Last night Meryl & I were watching True Blood (we’re only on season 4) and there is a scene where Tara is getting her girlfriend to leave town because vampires are always trying to kill her and Meryl says, I think she just pulled a Harry Potter there (leaving Ginny behind to protect her kind of thing) and I nodded... and then I said, I think she just White Fang’d her. Which reminded me that I needed to get this next glossary entry up. Here are some more things to know if you ever listen to Kacey & I talk:
Maureen – Source: @maureenjohnson. We talk about Maureen a lot. You might think that she’s someone we actually know, one of our friends. And we like to think that she’s our friend, but we don’t actually know her. Maureen Johnson is a hilarious YA author who keeps up one of the best twitter accounts in the brief history of twitter. Seriously, if you’re on twitter and you aren’t following Maureen, you aren’t using twitter properly. How else will you be placed in a jar to learn about the hamsters and the Monday Dragon and the 4 Questions and all the various things she gets on her soapbox to discuss. We will also make references to Wil (Wheaton) and John & Hank (Green). Now you know that we don’t actually know these people.
Pretty much anything from Wayne’s World - My favorite is: “it sucks while its cuts... well it certainly does suck” although “if you’re going to spew, spew into this” probably has more real world applications. But I think it’s important to point out that sometimes we just say these things, even if they don’t seem to apply. All it takes is one word sometimes to set us off into a pop culture spiral and we can pull out almost as many lines from this movie as Clueless. And that is saying something.
We’re Gonna Win! – Source: A League of Their Own. Tom Hanks’ character, Jimmy Dugan, has a moment of clarity while Evelyn’s annoying little kid is taunting the team with “you’re gonna lose, you’re gonna lose.” This is generally noted at a turning point when watching or playing a game, with the same manic energy as Jimmy.
No Crying in Baseball – Source: A League of Their Own - Sometimes there is crying in baseball (we love Joey Cora so we have to say that). And generally whenever we watch this movie, we cry (I mean, come on it’s got baseball and sisters and Tom Hanks, of course we cry). But that doesn’t meant that we don’t often find a way to work this line into conversations. Also, you never know when someone is going to throw out a “there’s Marla Hooch, what a hitter” just because.
C-razy – Source: The Big Bang Theory, specifically Miss Amy Farrah-Fowler. The key here is now Amy says it. Cuh-razy. Whenever we text each other and use the word crazy, it’s assumed that it is being said the way that Amy would say it. It also implies that what we are referring to is really not that crazy, and we’re kind of mocking the lack of craziness.
Woo Girls – Source: How I Met Your Mother. Even if you don’t know this reference, you totally know what a Woo Girl is. You’ve mocked their tight, low-cut outfits at the baseball game (which they spend in the beer garden, not watching the game) or rolled your eyes at them standing in line for a club shrieking with their friends (you were not in line for the club, you were passing by). But what we learned on How I Met Your Mother is that they should be pitied. They don’t have anything else going on in their lives and so they act out in these ridiculous ways and say “woooooo” a lot because they are really sad inside. Generally Kacey & I (who can be quite judgmental) just share a look, shake our heads, and say “Woo Girl” when we see them. But it’s okay Woo Girls, we all have those moments.
We’re Like this (with appropriate hand gesture) – Source: Friends, that crazy hand gesture that helps demonstrate that Chandler & Joey’s brains are in sync. Obvious Kacey & I are often on the same page and so to demonstrate that we usually make a similar hand waving gesture. It also works over a text, all we need to say is “we’re like this” and the gesture is implied. We do this a lot. Frequency wise it’s up there with Dear Tiny Baby Jesus & 90% & NO TIME. Since it’s a Friends reference it is also often used with Sarah.
Books read: 33 (Rocking some more Song of Fire & Ice, I could be on 33 for a while...)
Coming Soon: Sarah writes a proposal for a Dawson’s Creek spinoff - The New Creek, with a slate of fresh young stars, including Suri Cruise as Pacey & Joey’s kid. In the pilot we discover that she might not really be Pacey’s daughter as Joey spent some time doing research for a book on a religious cult and no one knows what all she did to get inside the group.
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