Monday, August 20, 2012

Kacey Honors the Olympics...

Okay I had this whole plan of finishing this post like a week ago and post it in honor the ending of the Olympics (which I greatly enjoyed watching with all my free time)…however that time has come and gone…as it so often does… but I still am posting this in honor of the Olympics, because the Olympics made me cry… and they are awesome… and sports movies make me cry…and they are also awesome. So in honor of the 2012 Olympics and all great sporting events that bring people together in an outstanding way I present my favorite sports movies. (WARNING: Do not watch more than 3 of these movies at once as massive amounts of sobbing may ensue.)

Mighty Ducks Trilogy: Classic. We loved Pacey before he was Pacey (or Peter).  I don’t really know much about hockey, but because of this movie anytime I watch hockey I wait for someone to do the “Flying V”. 

Remember the Titans: Football bringing a community together to overcome small mindedness.  As you can see from the glossary this is one Jamie and I quote often and have seen many times.  Also there is a little girl who loves football as much as I do and gets almost as crazy as I do while watching.

The Replacements: This is actually Dad’s favorite, but one I find very entertaining. I have to say the sob factor isn’t so high… but the tears may fall because of the laughing. Very funny.
Rudy: Who doesn’t love Rudy? Even if you don’t like football, this is a great film about never giving up on a dream. And as Jamie mentioned in her last post, it is the reason people may silently chant “Rudy, Rudy” at the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Hoosiers: Great small town story. Basketball team does the unexpected and coach does not give up his beliefs because of outside pressures. But really I still don’t know a Hoosier is.

The Sandlot: This has to be about the third time we have mentioned The Sandlot on this blog. So watch it already. Rag tag group of kids hanging out playing baseball...awesomeness ensues.

A League of Their Own: This is a family favorite. Baseball is pretty much an Emerson family religion (hence the number of baseball movies chosen) but when you combine baseball with girl power, it pretty becomes the Emerson family motto. And although we say no crying in baseball… there is crying in baseball… just not while on the field.

Field of Dreams: Thought about hard enough, this is really a strange movie. But that’s what makes it great. Voices from the sky, dead people coming out of corn fields and baseball… ending with a simple catch between father and son…what’s not to love?

Bull Durham: Again not so much about the crying as it is about the laughing. But you’ll never look at a meetings at the pitchers’ mound the same way, but you’ll better understand the church of baseball.

Cool Runnings: Only movie to make the list that is actually about the Olympics. This movie is hysterical… Jamaicans learn to bobsled…based on a true story… and even though it’s funny it will get you in the end with a slow clap... tears, lots of tears.

So what have we learned? Sports movies cool. The Olympics are cool. And crying is cool.

Coming Soon: Sarah writes a rap about Greek Gods to the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

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