Monday, December 24, 2012

Why I Believe (by Kacey)

This Christmas I will not be home. Since I currently live on the other side of the world I thought it might be a good opportunity to do something a bit different for the holidays. It's Christmas Eve and I currently sit in the lobby of my hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland where I am spending Christmas. I just spent a week in Ireland (actually with Sarah) and will venture onto London in a few days for New Years before returning to sunny Abu Dhabi. 
I love Christmas time and I am loving my choice in location for the holidays (Abu Dhabi is not very Christmasy feeling). Although it wasn't until today could I begin to explain why I love both these things. While I was out walking through little shops I saw a card that read "When you stop believing in Santa you get underwear." It made me laugh....but it also reminded me of a quote I recently repinned on Pinterest (I freaking love Pinterest). It simply stated this:
"Even though she was a grown woman she believed in elves & Santa Claus & flying reindeer & sacks with an endless capacity for toys. Furthermore she believed that believing in these things was the chief reason she had more fun in life than others."
It became the backdrop on my computer.
It's the truth, right? Is it more fun to believe in whimsical and fantastical things or be a "realist?" Yesterday I sat at the cafe JK Rowling began writing the Harry Potter series. From the window I could see the castle and the school that inspired Hogwarts. I also wandered around a grave yard trying to find Tom Riddle's grave (which I couldn't find...but might go back to try again). I love the idea that one of my favorite stories had been inspired by this beautiful and fascinating city. Also on Thursday I am traveling north for the day with plans to look for the Lochness Monester. On Friday I will get into Kings Cross Station in London and plan to find platform 9 3/4. And thanks to Doctor Who I find myself staring at every angel statue I come across simply out of fear.
What does this have to do with belief? I am sure people without the belief in things nerdy and whimsical enjoy traveling to these places...just not as much. And as someone who loves history I am finding there is lots to be learned here. But even history requires a certain amount of belief...and what is history if not a series of stories...both real and made up. 
So really if nothing else, believing makes the world a bit more interesting and much more fun. 
Tomorrow morning I will not wake up to Christmas presents (I already got an awesome box of presents before I left Abu Dhabi from my family which included an iPad mini - and no underwear!). And Christmas will feel a bit strange without being surrounded by friends and family this year. But this will not deter my belief in Santa Claus or the holiday spirit. If anything it will allow me to broaden by beliefs, because as I walk through these streets of Scotland it still feels like Christmas (and not just in a consumer way). So while Santa journeys acoss the world tonight... I know he did not skip me...but instead gave me the opportunity to see Christmas a little bit differently this year in a pretty awesome place.

Coming Soon: Sarah recounts details of her recent elf tracking mission.  Spoiler: she didn't make it to Santa's workshop, but feels she is close and will continue her efforts soon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jamie Talks History

As you are well aware, we usually talk pop culture and television on this blog.  But tonight, well, tonight is about history.
First, we are talking about the re-election of President Barack Obama.  This will obviously be noted in the history books and is certainly making my night.
But I want to talk about gay marriage.  Never before has the issue of gay marriage been put before a popular vote and come out victorious.  Until tonight.
Tonight, there was a clean sweep.   Sure, ballots still need to be counted, but when the people of the great state of Washington were asked to affirm the civil rights of their fellow Washingtonians, they said yes.  We shouldn't be voting on this at all, but when asked, we stepped up. We said that we believe that who you love does not matter, and that all of us are equal and deserve the same rights.  It seems so simple, voting for equality, but what we did here in Washington, and also in Maine & Maryland, it matters.  And the state of Minnesota saying no to their oppressive ballot measure to limit marriage, it matters.  Tonight we made a huge step in the right direction.  We are on the right side of history, and I, for one (well, for a hell of a lot more than one thankfully), am damn proud to be here.

We won tonight, America.  Keep moving forward.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jamie's Favorite Buffy Moments (All the feels!)

So sometimes I re-watch episodes of Buffy.  When I say sometimes, I mean a lot.  Usually in order, although I might skip episodes based on mood or if they are just not my favorite.  Generally the DVD gets popped in when I am going to bed and so I only watch the beginning, and then the next time I just move along to the next episode.  I'm mid-season five right now, which can be a little emotional.  In fact right now I'm deciding whether or not to watch the Body or just skip a few episodes.  It's hard because it's such a brilliant episode with some of the best performances in all seven seasons, but it's so sad and intense.  But I'm getting off track, what motivated this little post is the episode Checkpoint that I started a couple nights ago.  In this episode the Watcher's Council (who fired Giles and Buffy later quit in season 3) has come to town because they have information on the season's big bad (namely that Glory is actually a god), but before they will share they are putting Buffy through a series of tests to make sure she's worthy.  Just when you think that maybe Buffy isn't up to it, she pulls it together at the end to call them out on their own uselessness.  Sure, she needs information from them, but who are they without her?  Their whole purpose in life to watch and aid her (and her predecessors and successors, but until she dies, again, it's pretty much just her) so if she doesn't let them in, what do they really have going on beyond their books.  It is a fantastic monologue where she stands up for her friends and yet again demonstrates her leadership.  I love this scene, it makes me want to keep watching the rest of the season even though I know it is going to end with me in a pile of tears.  So, I started thinking, since I have watched this a million times now what are my favorite emotional/empowering moments?  And since I mentioned the Body at the top, I am going to throw out that I'm not including when people die.  Those episodes are always handled well, and kind of go without saying.  But what else makes me, as the internet would say, feel all the feels.  (And I promise, I'll do a humor one some day soon that consists mostly of Spike moments)

1) Season one finale - Buffy learns she is supposed to die.  Season one of Buffy is, well, less awesome than the rest of the series.  It is not without its moments of entertainment, and if you start watching it after viewing the film, you'll probably find it to be a work of genius in comparison, but it's not the best.  The season finale is when, in my opinion, we first glimpse that this is a show that could be something special.  Also, Sarah Michelle Gellar is her usual brilliant self, tearfully laughing, and then adding in a way that pulls our heartstrings along with Giles & Angel's "I'm 16 years old, I don't want to die."  With that, we remember what the show balances so well, that our supernaturally powerful slayer is also just a teenager.  

2) Giles tells Buffy he is not disappointed in her after she has sex with Angel, causing Angel to lose his soul.  It used to be that Becoming (the two part season two finale) was what killed me emotionally from this season, and I don't know if it's age or just what stands up on repeat viewings, but it is now this episode, Innocence that brings on the emotional overload.  The episode is filled with gut-wrenching moments as Angelus taunts Buffy, but the best is the seemingly subtle end scene with Giles dropping Buffy off after they have defeated the Judge and assures her "But if it's guilt you're looking for Buffy, I'm not your man.  All you will get from me is my support. And my respect."

3) Prom - Buffy gets a special award from the student body.  This sets up the epic season three finale where the entire student body is armed to fight the mayor and his army of vampires by finally indicating that the students at least aren't completely oblivious to all the weird crap that is constantly occurring in Sunnydale.  Or all the people that die.  They give Buffy a class protector award as Jonathan's speech notes they have the lowest mortality rate of any class in Sunnydale history. (Can you imaging what prior years must have been like?).  It's Giles (why is it always Giles?) that sums it up nicely, noting he had "no idea that children, en masse, could be gracious."

4) Buffy & Co. explain to Tara's family, that she is part of their Sunnydale family now.  When Tara's conservative, paranoid, crazy family comes to town to take her back home - presumably to get her barefoot and in the kitchen - she is at a bit of loss as she doesn't quite feel at home with the Scooby gang yet.  But this episodes brings her fully into the fold when they stand up for her at the end, realizing that her spell and lies were a result of emotional abuse and a need to protect herself, not anything malicious toward them.  When Tara's father asks them who they think they are, Buffy responds with the simple but perfectly stated "we're family."

5) Checkpoint monologue where Buffy puts the council in its place.  This is described in my introductory paragraph, and my favorite line (besides when she throws the sword at the guy's head as a reminder that she said no interruptions) is in reference to Xander when Buffy notes that " 'the boy' has clocked more field time than all of you combined. He's part of the unit." 

6) One more from season five (a season that is just full of intense feelings, even more so than the uber-depressing season six), because I can't make a list about Buffy without a Spike moment or two.  At the end of Intervention when Buffy pretends to be the Buffy-bot to make sure that Spike didn't tell Glory that Dawn was the key, Buffy realizes that while Spike is a creepy disturbed demon, he does seem to have some seem to have some actual feelings for her and has not betrayed her secret.  She reiterates that the robot was creepy and not real, but adds "What you did for me and Dawn... that was real. I won't forget it." 

7) Xander saves the world by telling Willow that if the world is going to end (at her hand), then he can't imagine any place he'd rather be than with her, his oldest friend.  Of course it's Xander that is only person who can make Willow human again when her grief over Tara envelops her.  Buffy's strength and Giles' borrowed magic were nice, but Willow had to make the choice to stop the destruction, and only Xander could remind her of who she really was.  She was the girl who "First day of kindergarten. You cried because you broke the yellow crayon, and you were too afraid to tell anyone."  But even though she's out to destroy the world now, he still loves her, which is what leads to her finally breaking down and crying over the loss of Tara.  And opting not to destroy the world.

8) Xander tells Dawn how special she is, and even more so for doing all that she does despite not having super powers.  Much like most Buffy fans, I can't stand Dawn in seasons five and six.  This is nothing against Michelle Trachtenberg who nails the whole annoying little sister thing, I just found the character highly annoying.  But as she grows up and becomes more capable (and when Buffy kind of lets her) in season seven, I am a much bigger fan.  So much so that this scene following the realization that it is Amanda and not Dawn who is the potential slayer makes me tear up.  Plus, Xander as the wise observer always gets me.  He tells her "They'll never know how tough it is Dawnie, to be the one who isn't chosen. To live so near the spotlight and never step in it. But I know...I saw you last night.  I see you working here today. You're not special.  You're extraordinary."  

9) Buffy gets kicked out of the house and on her way out gives Faith some advice.  When the potentials and the Scooby gang vote Buffy out of her own house, I get so angry.  I know they are scared and frustrated, but come on, she's Buffy.  You ungrateful little twits.  But even when she's down, she keeps trying, telling Faith on the porch "don't be afraid to lead them."  

10) Since this is my list, I get to end with two things I love: season seven and Spike.  From the tortured, crazed Spike seeing the First as all the villains from all the previous seasons in the opening episodes to Buffy lying and telling Spike she loves him before he dies to save the world, there are many great choices.  However, it's this monologue when he tells us why he loves Buffy, that so perfectly highlights why we all love Buffy that is my favorite:
"You listen to me. I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood... which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred-plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of. You... Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I've seen your kindness, and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand, with perfect clarity, exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the One, Buffy."

I should end this there, that would be a good choice, but I can't help myself.  Here are a couple honorable mentions:
Oz not kissing Willow in the van while they are waiting for Cordelia & Xander to come back with the weapon because she is clearly still into Xander and he wants her to want to kiss him, not just get even with Xander for his Cordelia relationship.  This is when we all fall in love with Oz.
Cordelia falls on the rod running up the stairs away from Xander & Willow's infidelity.  I try to stop this episode before I get to this part.  The earlier parts of the episode with Spike, Angel & Buffy makes this one of my favorite episodes ever (and "I may be love's bitch but at least I'm man enough to admit it" is my favorite Spike line, actually, my favorite line from the entire series), but I can't watch Oz & Cordelia come in to rescue Xander & Willow only to discover them making out. 

Books read: 45

Coming soon: Sarah heads to Spain to audition for Operacion Triunfo, which is their version of American Idol.  Given that she sings like the rest of us, it probably won't go well.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jamie's Fall 2012 TV Review

As I mentioned, my TV watching has gotten out of control. But it's all so good. Or if not good, then addicting, or I've watched it so long that I feel like the characters will be disappointed if I don't watch. What? Stop judging me.
Anyhow, there is too much to review to give you all my excuses, so here goes, let's do this by day of the week.
Sunday: Perhaps my new favorite night for TV. Both Once Upon a Time and Revenge have proven that they do have more than just a single season in them that can keep my attention. I absolutely love what OUAT is doing with the split locations for the present and again layering it beautifully with unexpected twists from the past. Plus, Captain Hook - hot! Revenge just keeps getting trashier and more insane and we can't stop watching it. Mostly because we love Nolan. Plus, Aiden - hot!
Monday: Not only are there too many network shows on, but Alphas & Warehouse 13's summer seasons extended into the fall. Both continue to be awesome, so I make it work. How I Met Your Mother is off to a solid start for what I hope is its last season. I will miss it, but I feel they are in a great position to end it exactly the way they want, on a high point in its popularity. I think next season would probably involve a shark. Bones is consistent, although I feel it is also nearing the end of its lifespan. Two Broke Girls continues to make me laugh, largely because of the amazing Kat Dennings. The 10pm time slot is why they invented DVR/TiVo/OnDemand/etc. Castle is rocking the new Caskett storyline, Hawaii 5-0 continues to be solid, and new kid on the block Revolution is amazing. And Uncle Miles - hot! (And complex and a little angry and has a very complicated past, kind of like everyone on Lost)
Tuesday: NCIS continues to build and develop its family of characters every week, and still catch the bad guy. I will keep watching it as long as they keep it on the air.  I am a little behind on Hart of Dixie (because it is not On Demand -- come on CW, what is that about?) but don't worry, I will catch up, Team Wade for life. Cause Wade (you can say it with me if you want) - hot! The New Girl still makes me laugh until I choke and I love the way they have handled Nick & Jess's obvious chemistry without hurting the group dynamic. And Schmidt - hilarious.
Wednesday: I am going to start watching Arrow, as soon as I find the time (cause the few minutes I have seen looked like Batman+Robin Hood+Revenge, and the main guy... hot!), and I have been watching a little Modern Family because it is amazing, but generally Wednesday isn't a big TV day.
Thursday: Sheldon & the boys and girls just keep doing their thing. I don't even have anything witty to say about it. Tina Fey is wrapping up 30 Rock brilliantly, of course. Cause that is what she does. The office supply montage that turned Liz Lemon on was priceless. And Leslie Knope is rocking both city council and the Parks Department. They are even managing to keep her & Ben's relationship fresh with the current long distance element. Plus there is still plenty of screen time for one Ben Wyatt, and, well, do I even have to say it at this point? (Ben - hot!) Meryl is peer-pressuring me into watching Scandal, but I haven't gotten to it yet. We are both loving Elementary though. I strongly believe there is no such thing as too much Sherlock, and I love that there is a female Watson, played by the always cool Lucy Liu. Plus, Sherlock - kinda hot.
Friday: Ah, the final season of Fringe. When it all comes together. I read some stuff pre-season that said they were planning it like a 13 episode movie, and I would totally agree. Don't jump in the middle, this half season series finale is for the committed, or those who can catch up quickly on the previous 4 seasons. I can't wait to see what unfolds each week.
Saturday: It's on a break now, but the 5 episode Doctor Who series made me feel all the feels. The Asylum of the Daleks got Amy & Rory back on track (and spun our heads a little about the new companion as the actress playing her made a surprise early debut and then was a dalek and then blew up?!?!). Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was everything I love about this show- humor, adventure, heart, the Doctor being friends with famous people in history, plus Arthur Weasley is Rory's dad...oh, and there were dinosaurs...on a spaceship! A Town Called Mercy was maybe the weakest of the 5, but gave us a reminder of why the Doctor cannot travel alone. The Power of Three gave us some more Arthur Weasley, and reminded Amy & Rory that life is short, so you should probably continue to travel with that mad man in a blue box while you can. And then The Angels Take Manhattan...tears, so many tears, but Amy & Rory were together, and that is what mattered. Plus, the previous 2.5 seasons had given us no reason to doubt that when it came down to it, Amy would always choose Rory, even over her raggedy Doctor.
So, that kind of turned into a Doctor Who series 7.1 review, but whatever. It was really good, it earned a little mini-review.
Alright, back to house hunting.

Books read: 42 (which is the answer to life, the universe and everything)

Coming Soon: Sarah is busy with the dogs, so in lieu of a full blog, she'll be posting a video of herself singing The Sound of Music as she wanders around Switzerland. Please ignore the whining of the dogs in the background, no animals were (seriously) harmed during the filming of her video.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jamie's Life Update

Kacey's blog was so awesome and completely accurate in highlighting what to look for in a neighborhood that I hate to point out one tiny inaccuracy. But that's what sisters do, right? Kacey indicated our conversation was over Skype the other day, but we have actually moved on from Skype. We are now Google Hangout people. I don't know if you are aware, but on Google Hangout you can wear a tiara. Also a scuba mask, various mustaches, an eyepatch... even a monocle! It's kind of amazing. You can do other things like share screens, but that tends to make my Internet break. So mostly, it's all about the tiara.

Kacey missed a couple other things that have kept me from blogging, and I want to be honest with all of you that I have disappointed with my lack of posts.

First, I have been watching entirely too much TV. I mean, I've only added two new shows: Revolution, which is fantastic, in case you aren't watching and Elementary, and as I suspected there is no such thing as too much Sherlock. Although I may add Scandal so that Meryl will stop peer pressuring me about it, oh, and probably I guess that will make four new shows. It's a little much. I mean, with Alphas overlapping with the start of network TV, Monday alone has gotten out of control. Plus, as Kacey noted, baseball is still happening (and I love October!). Not to mention all the Presidential debates. I have been watching so much TV that I haven't had time to blog about TV.

Because of that, I had fallen behind a bit in my reading, but it is back with a vengeance. With an assist from the library and some stuff I was waiting on finally coming in, I have been tearing through the books the last couple weeks. I also find that when I am waiting to hear on a house or an inspection and I wake up at 6am on a Saturday or Sunday because I can't sleep, then I can usually knock out a book by around 9 or 10. House buying is incredibly stressful, and somewhat roller coaster-esque. Thankfully I have amazing agents who help me tremendously.

I didn't even get up my fave five from September, and it was good. Quickly: Googling anyone’s Bacon number (as in Kevin Bacon, not the delicious food), Chris Kluwe's amazing openletter, Parks and Rec star Retta's tweets about watching Buffy, AlexCarpenter's awesome reaction songs to the 5 new Doctor Who episodes, and AmyPoehler’s YouTube channel Smart Girls at the Party.

I will try harder though. I will get up a review of Fall TV with some thoughts on where all these shows are going (or how they are ending) by this weekend. And maybe even a little pre-election post. I think it's important to pull out the soap box from time to time.


Books read: 41 (BAM, said the lady! Best of the last little group was Divergent, which was amazing, and I am currently reading Robin Wasserman's very intriguing Book of Blood and Shadow)


Coming Soon: Sarah writes a tell-all of the celebrity dogs that are staying at the dog hotel. Using, of course, very discreet fake names like Rooby Boo and his annoying little friend Dappy.

Kacey Considers Jamie’s House Buying Venture…

October has been severely lacking for blogs… I plead busy-ness and distance (which doesn’t really work because the internet knows no distance)…and Jamie deserves a pass because besides being busy at work she is also attempting to become a first time home owner! (And baseball might be a bit distracting)

Really I should leave this to Jamie to describe since I am living so far away and I cannot be there in person help her search.

However…I may be half a world away from Jamie right now… but that doesn’t keep us from having a conversation about house hunting that is of course pop culture fueled…

 Our conversation over Skype the other day started with a reference to “The Burbs” (actually discussing appropriate Halloween movies) and moved on to how she could find a neighborhood worthy of Cory Feldman sitting on the porch watching all that goes on and ended with ways Jamie could bribe Tom Hanks with an old fashion type writer to live in her neighborhood (a typical Jamie-Kacey conversation).

 So this conversation led me to think about some other ideas I have about what Jamie should look for in a house/neighborhood while she continues to look for houses.

Perhaps one of the most important things is screening neighbors:
  • They should be able to dispense unlimited amount of wisdom (Mr. Feeny, Wilson).
  • Check for annoying (yet endearing) kids that come over unexpectedly (Dennis the Menace, Urkel, Kimmy).
  • Ask if they are willing to help you out with crazy shenanigans (Ethel, Boner, Kenny/Bud).
  • How nerdy are they? (Big Bang Thoery)
Also remember:
  • Never judge people by how scary their house is because they might be awesome (Boo Radley, The Munsters, The Adams Family).
  • Always judge people by how scary their house is because they might be crazy (The Burbs, Psycho, and many other scary movies that start with a scary house).

Specifics about the house that Jamie needs to consider:
  • Is there a Ghoul in the attic or do you have to get your own?
  • How many secret passages?
  • Where is the best space for a lair/bunker?
  • Do you have to de-gnome the yard?
  • Will people be stopping by the home on their way to town for the season?
  • Is Jarvis included?

Just a few ideas for Jamie to keep in mind…

Coming Soon: Sarah discusses the dos and don'ts of being a dog hostess at a dog hotel in Switzerland.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kacey Watches Television Along Ways From Home...

I am in Abu Dhabi! Half way around the world from the Great Pacific Northwest of the USA. I have been teaching a classroom full of children for 3 weeks now in a well air conditioned classroom (because if it wasn’t I would melt into a puddle Wicked Witch of the West style).  I’ve been meeting people from all over the world (Lebanon, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, England, Australia, Egypt) and my kids all speak Arabic as a first language. I’m tired, but adjusting to the heat and a new education system.

Of course on of my top priorities once I got here was what to watch on television and how to do I get all my shows? There are plenty of huge movie theatres (even though the censorship is a little different here than in the states) so I’m not worried about seeing movies- but the TV line up here is a little…delayed to say the least. I have a TV in my room and without paying extra expenses I get about 27 channels- 7 of which are in English (most of the time). Much of what I have been watching is canceled television shows, newer shows about 2-3 seasons behind, and random movies.

Here’s a flavor of my viewing pleasure:

Canceled Shows Views:

Better Off Ted: Sitcom about an insensitive corporation that develops random products and the people who work there. Only 1 season I think.

Privileged: Drama about a tutor (played by the chick that was on Reba and played the girl next door on HIMYM) who works for spoiled twins and their grandmother and has like 3 men pursuing her. I don’t think there is even an entire season of this show.

The Defenders: Jerry O’Connell and Jim Belushi play defense lawyers in Las Vegas. Entertaining, but I like lawyer shows. Half season for this maybe?

Witched of Eastwick: I haven’t actually watched a full episodes of this, only caught parts of a few episodes. Not a fan and I can see why it didn’t last.

Shows currently airing in the States:

Rules of Engagement:  I think this show is still on in the states. Not a huge David Spade fan, but I am watching it more here than I did in the states and I am actually finding the rest of the cast quiet humorous.

Community: Did this make it? Is it still on? First time I’ve ever watched it and can see why people think it’s funny!

The Mentalist: I watched this on and off in the states and always enjoyed it, but I’m totally lost because I didn’t follow it enough to know what season is being played. Red John is maybe dead, but Jane knows he’s not…FBI thinks Jane is working with Red John…???

Pysch: Again- I only watched once and while in the states, but it makes me laugh.

Glee: I think this is about 2 seasons behind and I’ve actually only seen it on late at night and early in the morning (when I was still jet lagged).  But it’s a nice comfort of home.

30 Rock: Watching this more and more proves that I was not watching in enough at home…love Tina Fey.

Big Bang Theory: Never lost on this one, but the episodes are not new. However, BBT is on so much in the states that it feels like home to watch reruns.

2 Broke Girls: Only have seen one episode and it was the pilot. Guessing that it is just now starting.

Top Gear: This was one all the time on BBC America, but I never really got into it. It’s quiet international I guess.

The Exes: This is a new show right? Good cast, not sure if I like the concept. Only show that I’ve watched so far that is happening at the same time as in the states (perhaps not a good sign for the show?)

Lettermen: It’s become my “morning show” because it’s on in the morning right before I leave for school.

Shows that have ended (not cancelled):

The Closer: Can always watch repeats- and since I didn’t watch it much in the states most episodes are new to me!

Gilmore Girls: Seen most episodes…good repeat show.

Smallville, Jag, Medium: I never watched any of these shows, and if I watched them here I only get confused…might be into watching Smallville if I could from the beginning.

There are also lots of movies on…I actually have 2 movies channels…plus other channels show movies often.  Some I know well and others I had never even heard of. All in all keeps me entertained.

Sampling of Movie Titles:

Eagle Eye, The Interpreter, Harry Potter (4 and 6), Star Trek, Love Happened, Invincible, Die Hard 4, Aurora Borealis, Mummy (3rd one), Chronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian), In the Name of the King, Ocean’s 12, 50 First  Dates, Titanic, Rambo, Beverly Hill Cop 1 and 2, Serenity, American Sweethearts, Run Away Bride, Changing Lanes, Kung Fu Hustle

I keep seeing advertisements for Revenge, maybe it will start showing from the beginning and then I can see what all the fuss is about. And NCIS is going to be on NEW (like brand new) soon!

That’s Abu Dhabi basic television in nutshell… there is probably more but I’d have to pay for that. I do have the internet...which helps. ;)

Coming Soon: Sarah writes a crash course in communicating when you don’t know the language and all you have is gestures. She will provide pictures!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jamie Watches the Emmys

As you know, I love TV.  And so I must watch the Emmys.  And react and critique and cheer.  Here goes:

Opening – Jimmy was funny, solid.  Nothing flashy or particularly offensive, but I definitely laughed.

First up, the comedy awards,

Best Supporting Actor: Eric Stonestreet – While I was pulling for Max, I can’t complain about this Modern Family win, the show is hilarious.

Writing – Louie C.K., not a show I watch, but a very funny guy.

Kat Dennings may fall out of her dress, but she is so awesome that I won’t judge.

Best Supporting Actress: Julie Bowen – A little disappointed to be wrong here, but not truly surprised.  That said, she is a vital part of an extremely talented cast.

Matthew Perry announces guest actor/actress in a comedy which were already announced, and Perry explains he was hesitant to re-announce and then noted: “But then I remembered, I like attention” Winners: Kathy Bates & Jimmy Fallon.

Directing award to Steve Levitan – Modern Family

Modern Family with evil Lily is infinitely funnier than the Breaking Bad short.  That little girl is too funny.  Might even top the year when they did a Modern Family with Clooney sketch.

Lead Actor: (Melissa McCarthy’s commentary wins all the awards) – Jon Cryer – Shocking! And he is shocked.  Mostly that his show is even still on.  So no 3-peat for Sheldon.  Oh well.

Lead Actress: Julia Louie-Dreyfess.  Amy Poehler is robbed, but that is a stacked category.  Some day Amy, some day.  And the switching speeches bit, classy and classic.

No one cares about reality.  Football score? Patriots are winning.  Sure, this week we can score. 

Big Bang Theory Clip! Sheldon loves the accountants.  Obviously.  This is adorable.  Best intro of the vote counters ever.

Oh Seth MacFarland.  I am a little bit in love with you after your recent SNL gig.  Sorry you’re here for reality show host. 

At least reality was brief so we can move on to drama.

There is some amazing stuff on TV, as shown by this drama montage.  Top that Oscars.

Best Supporting Actor: Still missing John Noble here, but some amazing talent.  Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad takes the award and gets big hugs from his cast mates.  I really need to watch this show.

Writing – Homeland – Another show I need to watch.

Supporting Actress: Maggie Smith!  I finally got something right!  But she isn’t there.  But she is still awesome and so totally deserving of this award.

Commercial side note: scouring pictures online (because I missed the red carpet) and I am giving best dressed to Tina Fey (rocking the purple) and Jennifer Westfeldt, because if you walk the red carpet with Jon Hamm and I still notice how fabulous you look, you are clearly a fashion winner.

Guest actor/actress: Martha Plimpton & Jeremy Davies, announced by the very talented Giancarlo Esposito (whose name is almost as awesome as Benedict Cumberbatch).

Director: Boardwalk Empire guy, I missed his name.  Sorry!

Pretty sure Josh Groban is covering What Makes You Beautiful during an “in memoriam” tribute to Jimmy Kimmel. Yep, that just happened, complete with a Matt Damon reference. 

Best Actor: I think this is the hardest category of the night, with apologies to the comedy ladies.  And I’m right again!  Winner is Homeland’s Damien Lewis.  I really, really need to watch this show.  Also!  He is married to Narcissa Malfoy!  Awesome.

Best Actress: (Jon Hamm & Tina Fey are always funny together) Okay, this category is amazing too. Claire Danes wins!  Another point for me.

On to Variety, which is way better than Reality, cause Jon Stewart is in it.  And other people with actual talent and intelligence. 

Variety Special: Louie C.K. wins.  I’m sure it’s very funny, but I love the Tony’s.  But Louie now has bookends.

Commercial side note: Love the ad for the new abc Sunday night lineup.

Directing: The Emmy guy won.

Variety Series: The Daily Show.  Again.  Colbert & Jimmy Fallon are holding him down.  I love them all so much. But Jon, he is the best.  Oh, Jon. You can’t say that on TV.

Mini-series & TV Movies:  So, Missing was cancelled and thus it gets to be a mini-series?  I am super confused about this breakdown. 

Supporting Actress: Jessica Lange – No surprise here, although again, I haven’t watched American Horror Story. 

Supporting Actor: Tom Berenger, which makes me feel like Hatfields & McCoys might do well.  I do want to watch it, but my heart belongs to Martin Freeman in this category.

In Memoriam – And Ron Howard is going to talk about Andy Griffith. I’m going to try not to cry. From Andy to Dick Clark, a lot of legends lost this year. 

Writing: Okay, Jonathan from Buffy just won an Emmy for writing Game Change.  I mean, I am kind of upset that Moffat didn’t win, but I can’t complain with a win for Danny Strong.  He is awesome.

Lead Actress: Julianne Moore! I get another point.  I guess I need to see this. 

Directing: Jay Roach for Game Change – talks about how HBO rocks.

Lead Actor: I am so annoyed that Benedict Cumberbatch didn’t win.  Kevin Costner, really? First no win for Sheldon and now Benedict. I am going to have my own Emmys.

Commercial break reminds me that we all win because TV is back starting tomorrow!

Outstanding Mini-series or Movie: Sorry Hatfield & McCoys, politics takes the cake with a win for Game Change (I think just because everyone likes it when Tom Hanks gets to speak).  Also, I’m protesting the lack of Sherlock love.  Funny, despite all the British nominees, only Damien Lewis takes home an award.

The Big Two…

Drama: Homeland – Not surprising given the previous awards, but wow, that show must be unbelievable when you consider the level of competition.

Comedy: (Side note, seriously, who doesn’t love Michael J. Fox?) Modern Family.  Absolutely no surprise.  Well, at least you win at ratings my favorite nerds. 

Best moments: Melissa McCarthy expressing her appreciation for the male comedy nominees, Modern Family evil Lily sketch, Amy Poehler & Julia Louie-Dreyfess “accidentally” switch acceptance speeches, Jon Stewart being tackled by Jimmy Fallon and Steven Colbert.  Basically, comedy wins.  

Books read: 34 (slowly significantly...)

Coming Soon: Sarah writes an angry letter to the Emmy voters about Sherlock, extolling the many talents of Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.    

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jamie Gives Glee Another Chance

So, I have been less than enthusiastic about the new season of Glee.  But, it is starting before any of my other shows, and we got in an episode of Revenge earlier, so here goes.  Live reactions:

Well hello Kate.  That is a quality entrance.  I have to say that sometimes Kate Hudson makes poor film choices, but this introduction just reminds me that when all is said and done, her acting is high quality.  And she plays bitch so well.

Jacob is back to give us the quick summer recap.  And Mike & Tina are kaput!  Sad to see, but at least one couple is realistic about long distance.

And the title of the episode comes into play, or at least half of it… who is the new Rachel?

Nevermind that though, cause it’s the new Finn, singing 80s rock in the shower.  I see what you did there Ryan Murphy (when I say Ryan Murphy, let's also include all the writers, it's just easier to pretend it is only him).  Only Finn didn’t look quite like that in the shower. 

Sue really did have a kid.  I am still perplexed. 

Love that the competition to be a new soloist turns into a fun ensemble number.  That better be where this is going. 

Oh, Kate might have a heart.  And the Glee club has lost its heart!  Big fail, guess we still have lessons to learn.  Oh kids, I am so disappointed.

But Ryan Murphy has managed to bring me to tears a mere 18 minutes in with the new girl and her mom.  This is why I watch this show.  And the musical numbers.

Auditions are both a flashback to season 1 and a sign of how far they’ve come. Oh, and a little Puckerman... with a beautiful voice, but still totally a Puckerman.

Oh, I think we have the new Rachel.  Also, I have to say that you will always win me over with a quality Billy Joel song.

Kurt offers some wisdom to the ego-crazed glee clubs.  They better take it, I’d like to get through my all my tears on this mom the lunch lady storyline in one episode.

So Kurt is a little wiser, but he needs Blaine’s advice, and a little musical number so that he can go off to NYC.  And I don’t know this song, but I like it.  Of course, I usually like whatever Darren Criss sings.  Also, in case you thought I wasn’t paying attention, I have definitely noticed the lack of bow ties for Blaine.  What’s up wardrobe?  Don’t you know that bow ties are cool?

So I can’t help but wonder during this commercial if Finn, Santana, Mike, Mercedes, Quinn & Puck will just have brief cameos throughout the rest of the season (all were notably absent tonight).  I’m feeling like this Rachel (and Kurt and new friends) in NYC and the others back in Lima might work.  Or will it be set up to have one of the recent grads per episode in conjunction with the McKinley happenings.  Let’s just say 45 minutes in and while I’m enjoying, I am having trouble seeing where it’s going.

New Rachel for the win at the lunch table, these kids better get it figured out.  Even if it means slushies.

And old Rachel is turning into a new Rachel.  Ah, episode continuity.  Also, new boy is adorable. But almost too good to be true.  He's a little bit Eric from Suite Scarlett.  (Team Max, for what it's worth)

When in doubt, listen to Burt.  He is the best.  Also, he is a Congressman now, they can afford it.   When Burt cries, we all cry. 

There is the Glee club that I know and love!  Loving everyone and getting ice cold beverages thrown in their face for it.  You're right bitchy new cheerleader, order is restored. 

So what we’ve learned is that Glee can still tug at my heart strings.  I don’t know where it’s going, but I continue to be entertained.  I guess I’ll keep watching.  Plus don't they need 12 people in Glee to compete?  I feel we're a little short.  I might as well keep watching to see what happens.

Coming soon:  Sarah hasn't had time to come up with anything new since this morning.  She's sleeping.

Jamie's Emmy Predictions (I haven't done this, right?)

Since we're talking TV this week anyhow and the Emmys are just over a week away, how about some predictions? Some of these are completely random, but that's fine, it's not like if I win I get Jon Hamm. That would be a really good contest though. Not permanently, just for the evening. Think about it Jon. 

Comedy Series: While my heart belongs to the nerds, I can't imagine this won't go to Modern Family. Every single adult actor on the show is nominated and the writing is spectacular.
Drama Series: I feel like the smart guess is Breaking Bad because everyone loves that show. It's like the new Wire only it actually wins awards. But I'm going with Downton Abbey. Basically because I want it to win. Free Bates!
Movie/Mini-series: Sherlock. Obviously.
Comedy Leads: What a fabulous group of women, and while tempting to go with the new girl or my bff Tina, I'm feeling like it might finally be Amy Poehler's year. And I probably don't have to say this, but I pick Sheldon for the dudes.
Drama Leads: I haven't watched a lot of these, but Homeland is extremely popular, so I'm going to predict a sweep in these two categories, Claire  Danes & Damien Lewis. Good lord that lead actor category is hard.
Movie/Mini-series Actors: This actor category is not hard because one of the nominees is named Benedict Cumberbatch. Not only will he win all the votes from people who have watched Sherlock, but also any Emmy voters who have been lazy this season and didn't watch anything. They'll just pick him for the name. And while I haven't seen Game Change, I have to go with Julianne Moore. She is one of my favorite actresses and the movie is political.
Supporting cast speed round:
Mayim Bialik OR Kathryn Joosten
Max Greenfield (should be Nick Offerman)
Maggie Smith
Peter Dinklage OR Brendan Coyle (should be John Noble)
Jessica Lange
Martin Freeman
Variety series: The Daily Show. Partly because watching Colbert after Jon Stewart wins is hilarious.
Reality anything: I really could not care less.

Books read: 34

Coming Soon: Sarah begins an online petition to add a Science Fiction section to the Emmys, replacing the "Reality" categories.  We can all dream, can't we?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jamie's Fall TV Preview

Summer TV has been great. Besides The Closer & Eureka, we watched Rizzoli & Isles, Franklin & Bash, Warehouse 13, and Alphas. Plus I started Friday Night Lights, Meryl & I are half way through the first season of Revenge, and we got through the 4th season of True Blood. But now it is September, and all our favorites are coming back. Here is a finale recap and my predictions for the season to come. Some more serious than others. (In order of premiere date)
Glee - Is it okay that I don't really care? I mean, I'll watch until it becomes completely unwatchable. Don't get me wrong, it has certainly had its quality moments (I still can't watch the Furt episode without crying) over the years, but I can't help but think that Ryan Murphy & co expected this show to be cancelled after the first season and have just been winging it every since.
Bones - Bones ran off with the baby, leaving Booth & the team on their own to try and prove her innocence. My guess is that they won't draw this out for very long. I predict that Bones is back to a brunette by episode two. Did they renew for another season already? I kind of feel like it might be time to wrap things up.
Parks & Rec - Excited for Leslie to be on the council, and I hope that we still get some quality Ben time even if he is off in D.C. You can't just give me a couple seasons of Adam Scott and then take him away. But even without him, the rest of the team will be there to cause trouble, help Leslie, and make me laugh.
How I Met Your Mother - Barney is engaged to Quinn, but we all know the wedding they have been teasing is his & Robin's. Oh, and there is...waitforit... a baby! I feel like this show should probably also wrap up this season, but it's talented cast keeps getting more and more popular which is good for ratings, so we'll see. I predict a lot of humor involving babysitters so that Marshall & Lily don't miss too much quality bar time. Also, looking forward to the return of BSG's Michael Trucco. Oh, and meeting the damn mother already.
Two Broke Girls - I am going out on a limb to predict more cupcakes and inappropriate humor.
Castle - After 4 seasons of will they or won't they, they did! Okay, it was never really will they or won't they, it was more like when will they. Oh, and Beckett is off the squad. And the Ryan-Esposito bromance (I find it funny that the two best bromances on television - these two and Steve & Dano - occupy the same time slot) is in trouble. I have no predictions regarding Caskett, but I'm guessing Beckett is back at the station within 2 episodes. Even if my preference is that her & Castle create their own detective agency. Can you imagine? Martha & Alexis could help. Ryan would be their guy on the force that kept them connected, and out of trouble. You'd totally watch that with me, right?
Hawaii 5-0 - Kono went into the water. And she might drown and die. (which is a problem due to the lack of resurrection ships, that was just a little BSG humor). I'm going out on a limb and saying that she won't die. I'm thinking her super hot Yakuza boyfriend will save her somehow? But maybe I just want him to take his shirt off again. Regardless, I'm thinking that the Baldwin brother bad guy is going to be causing trouble all season long.
NCIS - I don't know that I am emotionally ready to talk about this. The office exploded, and Ducky. Oh, Ducky. I just don't know what things would be like without him, so I am going to keep hoping that he is alright.
The New Girl - Hilarity will ensue. Schmidt will be even funnier. Nick will be adorable.
The Big Bang Theory - I predict that by season's end, Sheldon & Amy round 1st base.
Fringe - Final 13 episodes to take place in the future. I couldn't predict this if I wanted, and I don't want to. I want them to do their thing one last time.
Once Upon a Time - Magic! In the real world. What I love about this show is that I have no idea what is going to happen now that everyone remembers. Besides things obviously getting a little uncomfortable for Regina, but that evil witch always manages to land on her feet. Mostly I hope that the curse lifted in time for Augustus to come back to life. And I hope that now David remembers he is Charming, he will be awesome and less of a tool.
Revenge - Well, from the season premiere I know that there is a murder coming, but as mentioned above, I am only halfway through the first season, so I don't know how we are going to end up back at that first scene. Looking forward to being caught up so that I can enjoy the new season.
Hart of Dixie - When I think about how this show ended I become very anxious. We finally get a Team Wade victory, and then George shows up at the door and kisses Zoey. Just thinking about them starting at that moment gives me a pain in the chest. I am probably going to pace. I predict heartbreak for Team Wade, but that's okay, we'll win in the long run. 
30 Rock - No predictions for this one, but looking forward to the final season.
New shows: Revolution (I'll try anything the JJ makes), Arrow (my interest in this went up exponentially with the addition of Torchwood's John Barrowman to the cast), The Mindy Project (after reading Mindy Kaling's memoir, I firmly believe she can do no wrong), Elementary (I'll try anything Sherlock at least once, I love Benedict & Iron Man's portrayals so why wouldn't I give Johnny Lee Miller a chance)
Good lord I watch too much TV. And we haven't even discussed that Downton returns in the winter...  
Books read: 34
Coming Soon: Jumping on the "add zombies to anything in the public domain genre" bandwagon, Sarah writes a short story titled Sherlock & the Zombies in Italy, based loosely on her recent experiences in the country. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Jamie's Very Late August Fave Five

Well, work has been crazy, which leaves me exhausted.  Plus my weekends have been packed, spending some quality time with Kacey before she left on her big adventure, and then my cousin’s wedding in Chelan.  So those are my excuses for the delay.  But since I know you can’t wait to see what I loved in August, here goes:

1)      Doctor Who – Pond Life, trailers, tumblr insanity, etc.  September 1st saw the return of Doctor Who, both in the UK and here in the U.S.  This is very exciting.  Usually somebody has to wait (like we will for Downton Abbey) when a new season premieres, but not for series 7 of Doctor Who.  Leading up to the premiere were some incredibly exciting trailers for the new episode and the rest of the first series, plus the Pond Life mini-webisodes that gave us a glimpse at what we had been missing in the lives of the Doctor & the Ponds.  Ood on the loo. 

2)      Wikipedia’s Abu Dhabi & United Arab Emirates pages – As soon as Kacey first told me she may be headed for the other side of the world to teach for a couple years, I started my online research.  Of course, I am busy and kind of lazy so it was really just perusing the Wikipedia pages.  While they are filled with a variety of interesting tidbits, I can say that I am most intrigued by camel racing.  Because like my father, one of the first things I wanted to know about was the sports.

3)      HPA EqualityFTW – I really should have gotten this posted earlier, while this was actually happening.  The Harry Potter Alliance - an awesome organization that does a lot of work relating the themes of love and equality Harry Potter with real life issues – had a goal of raising $50,000 by September 8th.  They are looking to expand their efforts (including to states like Maryland & Minnesota that have important marriage equality related ballot measures this November).  They had a variety of donor gifts with contributions from John & Hank Green, Maureen Johnson, Evanna Lynch, LeakyCon, & various members of Team Starkid.  When they closed they were just shy of $100,000, nearly double their goal.  Gotta love this amazing internet community coming together to do some good, again.  If you want to contribute I’m sure they are still taking donations on their website.

4)      Felixing – I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Felixing is the new Tebowing.  Only it’s about nine million times better.  It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon in August when Felix took the mound to throw the first perfect game in Seattle Mariner history.  As many noted, with him, it really felt like it would only be a matter of time. That day 27 Rays came to the plate, and all 27 went out, unable to do anything against King Felix.  The celebration included a little move from the King that took over twitter, facebook, and the rest of the internet with both hands and one knee in the air.  And then, in case that wasn’t enough, even Eddie Vedder did it.  Eddie Vedder.  Yeah, Felixing is WAY better than Tebowing.

5)      Sarah’s Blog – When she isn’t working on all of the posts for this blog, Sarah shares her various travel adventures here.  They are pretty much epic and awesome (and very well written), and if you’re not reading them, then you really aren’t living. 
Books read: 34 (I might be falling behind... anything from the Song of Fire & Ice should count as 2 books...)
Coming Soon: Sarah hears the new Doctor Who episode is called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, starts watching, and writes up her preliminary thoughts.  Because how can you not want to watch something with dinosaurs on a freaking spaceship.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kacey is Leaving the Country...Does Important Things with Jamie...

I'm moving to Abu Dhabi to teach! Big adventure, happening very quickly, very exciting. So what do Jamie and I do together before I leave? Spend a day watching Doctor Who before the season 7 premier… and make fish fingers and custard.

We made a list of episodes we felt were important to watch prior to watching the season 7 premiere (or we just felt like watching)

This was what we watched:

The Doctor Dances: Season 1 (Christopher Eccleston) This episode was mostly chosen because it is part of the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness, whom we LOVE! And this episodes never makes us look at gas mask the same way.

The Girl in the Fireplace: Season 2 (David Tennant) Mostly just a favorite that we wanted to watch. It’s an awesome Steven Moffat creation.

The Shakespeare Code: Season 3 (David Tennant) This is an awesome episode... in large because of the multiple Harry Potter references, plus Shakespeare!

Blink: Season 3 (David Tennant) Scariest episodes ever and best episode that the Doctor is hardly in. Moffat strikes again. And the weeping angels don’t get any less scary when they come back later. (Plus intro to “big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff”)

Last of the Time Lords: Season 3 (David Tennant) Even if you don’t love Martha Jones (I like her... but don't love her), she is total bad ass in this season 3 finale and the whole Master story is pretty great.

Silence in the Library: Season 4 (David Tennant) This is a good two parter, but we mostly watched it because of the introduction to River Song. It’s appreciated so much more after we know so much more about River. However, we couldn’t watch the second part, too sad.

Journey’s End: Season 4 (David Tennant) Defeating Daleks is always a necessary part of any Doctor marathon. Plus multiple Doctors and reappearances of so many great characters. And we had to have a Donna fix somewhere in the marathon, and Doctor Donna is funny (then sad).

The Eleventh Hour: Season 5 (Matt Smith) Welcome in Matt Smith! (We skipped the sad exit of David Tennant, we didn't want the day to be too sad.) This was also the part in the evening when we ate fish fingers and custard (Jamie did mix them and then said “God did intend for that.”)

The Big Bang: Season 5 (Matt Smith) This is an awesome season finale. The centurion that waited, the fez and then the doctor dancing at Amy and Rory’s wedding. Appropriate prep for the premiere.

The Wedding of River Song: Season 6 (Matt Smith) This episode confuses me a little because time is a big ball of wibbly wobbly… but it was important to watch before the season 7 premiere.

Then the premiere, which did not disappoint!

While watching this we also did a puzzle and played Settlers of Catan. The day jammed pack full of Kacey and Jamie fun!

Now we’ve been watching the burger episode of How I Met Your Mother and need to go get a burger (for breakfast)...

Coming Soon: Sarah writes “Ode to Cheese” after tasting some of the finest cheeses in Italy.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Jamie talks Series Finales

So my sisters are off or about to be off on crazy exciting adventures, but I don't want to talk about that yet.  I think I have my fave five for August ready, but I'll get to that a little into September, you know, for the sake of consistency.  This summer I watched three TV series come to an end, two in "real time" and one on Netflix. There are so many ways the writers can go when a TV show wraps up (assuming the writers are aware they need to finish up).  They can opt for happily ever after with a little room to imagine new adventures, send everyone to heaven, or to jail, blow up the town, or simply fade to black.  Generally you aren't going to please everyone, but that's okay.  Most likely for those who are upset their frustration is more about their favorite show being off the air than anything else.   I just wanted to share a few thoughts on these three finales I watched this summer (with very limited spoilers as Kacey has not seen them):

Eureka: This delightful SyFy channel show finished up with its fifth season mid-summer.  The writers were given the budget to add one last episode to wrap things up after they were told they were being cancelled.  And they did it brilliantly. While giving us one last crisis in the little town of Eureka, they also managed to give the characters we have come to know and love over 5 seasons their own happy ending. Something I love in a finale or final season is when a show can nod its head at its beginnings, and bring things back around to its first season or, in this case, the very first episode.  It shows us how much our characters have grown and provides a little bit of nostalgia.  I hope that SyFy continues to make original programming of this quality and isn't completely lost to cheap gimmicky reality TV.

The Closer: It was probably time for the Closer to say goodbye. However it is one of the most popular cable TV shows and it is hard for a channel to say goodbye to good ratings and the corresponding ad revenue. So TNT spun this cast of characters into a new show, Major Crimes. But before that could happen they had to say goodbye to their fearless leader, Brenda Leigh Johnson, played by the fantastic Kyra Sedgwick.  Her departure was fitting, she got the bad guy and a gift from her team (ding dongs were involved), who over 7 seasons had gone from distrusting co-workers to a family. While I love this cast of characters, I don't have much interest in watching Major Crimes.  They seem to be grasping to hold onto something that is done.

Battlestar Galactica: Yes, I am aware this ended a few years ago.  But I just watched it, so for me, it ended this summer.  Thank you, Netflix.  The series finale of this show was a perfect fit for the series itself. It was intense, emotional, heart-breaking, but ultimately hopeful.  I was slow to get into this show, leaving it to watch other things after the first season.  But when I returned to it a few months ago, I became completely invested in the fates of these characters and their beloved ship.  Throughout most of season two you were sure to find me in tears on the elliptical. And that one part in late season three? You know the one.  I was holding back sobs.  I opted to watch the three part series finale on my couch, so I could cry in peace.  And cry I did.  But even though things weren’t wrapped up with a pretty bow, there was still an overall feeling of hope at the end.   I like that in a show.  Of course I am that person who actually liked the end of Lost too.

Now I’ve moved on to a show I had been avoiding despite Netflix’ constant badgering, Friday Night Lights.  To say I was skeptical would be a gross understatement; however I was hooked within the first 15 minutes of the pilot.  And now instead of sobbing (although there are certainly some tears) at the gym, I find myself cheering for the Dillon Panthers.  I’m not exaggerating.  When Coach Taylor pulled Voodoo at halftime and put in Sarenson, you would think that I was watching a real football game during that second half.  And when they went for two,  well let’s just say I am mentally ready for football season.  Just watch it.  Hopefully the series finale is as good as the pilot, but as you might have noticed, I’m pretty open to however the writers want to end things.  If they weren’t good at what they had been doing, I wouldn’t be so invested in the show in the first place.

Books read: 34

Coming Soon: Sarah writes a treatise on ladder safety.