We made
a list of episodes we felt were important to watch prior to watching the season
7 premiere (or we just felt like watching)
This was
what we watched:
Doctor Dances: Season 1 (Christopher Eccleston) This episode was mostly chosen
because it is part of the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness, whom we LOVE!
And this episodes never makes us look at gas mask the same way.
The Girl
in the Fireplace: Season 2 (David Tennant) Mostly just a favorite that we
wanted to watch. It’s an awesome Steven Moffat creation.
Shakespeare Code: Season 3 (David Tennant) This is an awesome episode... in
large because of the multiple Harry Potter references, plus Shakespeare!
Season 3 (David Tennant) Scariest episodes ever and best episode that the
Doctor is hardly in. Moffat strikes again. And the weeping angels don’t get any
less scary when they come back later. (Plus intro to “big ball of wibbly
wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff”)
Last of
the Time Lords: Season 3 (David Tennant) Even if you don’t love Martha Jones (I like her... but don't love her),
she is total bad ass in this season 3 finale and the whole Master story is
pretty great.
in the Library: Season 4 (David Tennant) This is a good two parter, but
we mostly watched it because of the introduction to River Song. It’s
appreciated so much more after we know so much more about River. However, we
couldn’t watch the second part, too sad.
End: Season 4 (David Tennant) Defeating Daleks is always a necessary part of
any Doctor marathon. Plus multiple Doctors and reappearances of so many great
characters. And we had to have a Donna fix somewhere in the marathon, and Doctor Donna is funny (then sad).
Eleventh Hour: Season 5 (Matt Smith) Welcome in Matt Smith! (We skipped the sad
exit of David Tennant, we didn't want the day to be too sad.) This was also the
part in the evening when we ate fish fingers and custard (Jamie did mix them
and then said “God did intend for that.”)
The Big
Bang: Season 5 (Matt Smith) This is an awesome season finale. The centurion
that waited, the fez and then the doctor dancing at Amy and Rory’s wedding.
Appropriate prep for the premiere.
Wedding of River Song: Season 6 (Matt Smith) This episode confuses me a little
because time is a big ball of wibbly wobbly… but it was important to
watch before the season 7 premiere.
Then the
premiere, which did not disappoint!
watching this we also did a puzzle and played Settlers of Catan. The day jammed
pack full of Kacey and Jamie fun!
Now we’ve
been watching the burger episode of How I Met Your Mother and need to go get a
burger (for breakfast)...
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