Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kacey Considers Jamie’s House Buying Venture…

October has been severely lacking for blogs… I plead busy-ness and distance (which doesn’t really work because the internet knows no distance)…and Jamie deserves a pass because besides being busy at work she is also attempting to become a first time home owner! (And baseball might be a bit distracting)

Really I should leave this to Jamie to describe since I am living so far away and I cannot be there in person help her search.

However…I may be half a world away from Jamie right now… but that doesn’t keep us from having a conversation about house hunting that is of course pop culture fueled…

 Our conversation over Skype the other day started with a reference to “The Burbs” (actually discussing appropriate Halloween movies) and moved on to how she could find a neighborhood worthy of Cory Feldman sitting on the porch watching all that goes on and ended with ways Jamie could bribe Tom Hanks with an old fashion type writer to live in her neighborhood (a typical Jamie-Kacey conversation).

 So this conversation led me to think about some other ideas I have about what Jamie should look for in a house/neighborhood while she continues to look for houses.

Perhaps one of the most important things is screening neighbors:
  • They should be able to dispense unlimited amount of wisdom (Mr. Feeny, Wilson).
  • Check for annoying (yet endearing) kids that come over unexpectedly (Dennis the Menace, Urkel, Kimmy).
  • Ask if they are willing to help you out with crazy shenanigans (Ethel, Boner, Kenny/Bud).
  • How nerdy are they? (Big Bang Thoery)
Also remember:
  • Never judge people by how scary their house is because they might be awesome (Boo Radley, The Munsters, The Adams Family).
  • Always judge people by how scary their house is because they might be crazy (The Burbs, Psycho, and many other scary movies that start with a scary house).

Specifics about the house that Jamie needs to consider:
  • Is there a Ghoul in the attic or do you have to get your own?
  • How many secret passages?
  • Where is the best space for a lair/bunker?
  • Do you have to de-gnome the yard?
  • Will people be stopping by the home on their way to town for the season?
  • Is Jarvis included?

Just a few ideas for Jamie to keep in mind…

Coming Soon: Sarah discusses the dos and don'ts of being a dog hostess at a dog hotel in Switzerland.

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