As the title of this page and the sidebar imply, we are 3 sisters. And this is our blog. Kacey wanted to call it 3 sisters discuss movies and TV and books and other important things, or something along those lines, but she has been convinced that may be a little long.
For our first post we complied a list of things we feel are vitally important to knowing and understanding about us and wanted to share it with all those who are eagerly awaiting to read it.
1) If _____ was a character in Harry Potter she would be:
Jamie - Hermione because of her cleverness and highly logicalness… and she likes to go to the library.
Kacey - Mrs. Weasley, she takes care of everyone but is still a total badass
Sarah - She would have the wittiness and entertainment value of the Weasley twins, but the feistiness of Ginny.2) If _____ was a How I Met Your Mother character she would be:
Jamie - Marshall- she can lawyer you with her smarts and she is eagerly looking forward to carving a turkey with a lightsaber… well actually it will probably just be safer if she watches
Kacey - Lily, because she's a teacher and she loves Marshall
Sarah - Robin, sometimes she's a Woo Girl and sometimes a little goofy (and the only sister to have ever shot a gun), but overall totally awesome.3) If _____ was a movie genre she would be:
Jamie - Musical… she has a soundtrack for everything and if she had any singing ability she would sing everything instead of say it.
Kacey - Children/Family drama, the kind where you cry because you're so happy.
Sarah - Action comedy4) If _____ was a drink she would be:
Jamie - Wine, because it gets better with age and because she drinks a lot of it
Kacey - Anything with one of those little umbrellas in it
Sarah - Jagermeister, she can mix it, bomb it, and shoot it.Kacey - Anything with one of those little umbrellas in it
5) If _____ was a movie the song that played in the trailer would be:
Jamie - Take Me Out to the Ball Game… or some other sports pump up song like Zombie Nation.
Kacey - Don't Rain On My Parade
Sarah - Reggae Music6) If _____ was a crayon color she would be:
Jamie - Ocean Blue….or sand color… something beachy.
Kacey - Pink
Sarah - Bright orange or yellow 7) Which That 70s Show Character would she date?
Jamie - Eric Forman….definitely Forman
Kacey - Hyde
Sarah - Kelso8) If _____ was a Buffy character she would be:
Jamie - Giles…and not just because she’s the oldest, but because she kind of a nerd who is actually totally awesome and will kick your ass. And she does take care of us.
Kacey - Cordelia once she moved to L.A. and got the visions
Sarah - Buffy, she's a badass who just wants to save the world9) If _____ was a Muppet she would be:
Jamie - Scooter
Kacey - Miss Piggy, for the style alone.
Sarah - Statler & Waldorf, she's funny and would totally go see Fozzie's Ma at Christmas10) If _____ was a cartoon character from our childhood she would be:
Jamie - Rainbow Bright
Kacey - Elmer Fudd
Sarah - Launchpad11) If _____ was a Disney female lead she would be:
Jamie - Anastasia. She can totally take care of herself. And plus- John Cusack
Kacey - Belle, she loves books, appreciates inner beauty and could definitely handle talking cutlery and furniture
Sarah - Meg, again with the feisty.12) If _____ was a food she would be:
Jamie - Anything you can put on a BBQ…. she is a master griller.
Kacey - Meatloaf
Sarah - Spicy Mexican, or more likely just bean, cheese, and a tortillaKacey - Meatloaf
13) Her superpower would be:
Jamie - reading at lightning speed and retaining tons of information… and picking the slowest line at the supermarket.
Kacey - Teaching anyone in the world to do anything. And probably making them obey her. But she'd totally use that power for good. Mostly.
Sarah - Bringing people together to "love each other"14) On Captain Planet _____ would be:
Jamie - Linka- no-nonsense, take charge kind of lady and wind
Kacey - Earth
Sarah - Ma-Ti, big heart and can talk to animals15) Her job on Firefly would be:
Jamie - Can she be Beckett on Firefly? Does that work?
Kacey - the mechanic as Serenity would certainly talk to her and she would rock that pink dress
Sarah - the muscle, she would get stuff done. Jayne would fear her.16) If _____ was on Lost she would be:
Jamie - Charlotte
Kacey - Penny
Sarah - Miles or Saeed17) If _____ was on Glee she would be:
Jamie - Blaine with a little of Ms. Pillsbury's OCD
Kacey - Kurt or Mercedes
Sarah - The Beast or Puck
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