I so love Jamie’s Sark/Spike comparison. Arguably two of the hottest/coolest TV villains of all time.
So I finished Alias… just a few things I wanted to make known:
I knew Vaughn wasn’t dead. No one really dies until the very end on Alias. Even then the writers couldn’t totally kill off Sloane. But then again death was too good for him.
Jamie comments: I totally thought he was dead, but only because I am pretty sure that Jennifer Garner was actually pregnant with Ben Affleck's baby at the time. And I knew that Jennifer Garner & Michael Vartan had dated during earlier seasons of Alias, and I was thinking, it would kind of make sense to have him leave because playing the father of the child that she is actually having with her new man... well, that could be awkward. But clearly, they are both professionals. Or maybe I have the timelines messed up. Who knows.
I had reservations about new characters in the 5th season, but ended up liking all of them. And as Jamie reminds us- Rachel does get the best lines regarding Sark.
Plus more badass chicks- Rachel, Renee, Peyton (even though she’s evil)
Jamie comments: I like Rachel because she helps us come back to Syd at the beginning, having no idea that she is not actually working for the CIA and then having to deal with that. I like Amy Acker in general (Come on, who doesn't love Fred on Angel), and Peyton is an excellent addition to the dark side.
HOWEVER- I’m not sure what the point was of having story about Thomas Grace and his dead wife, until, I guess, he got to be the hero at the end. That was sad.
Jamie comments: I liked how the character of Tom showed us a different path for someone who loses a loved one due to their job. We've only seen Syd, so this darker, sadder take was interesting.
I never did trust Irina. She is a bad mommy.
Jack became one of my favorite characters in the 5th season. I loved when he said “this is personal for me too” (or something similar) in regards to finding out who “killed” Vaughn. And I cried when he died (but who didn’t).
I was beginning to get angry when Sark didn’t reappear for a while… but then there he was and all was right in the world.
Jamie comments: I love him. I also love Weiss (proving that it is possible to like both bad boys and nice guys) and wish there was more of him.
What happened to Quentin Tarantino’s character? That was some first class acting. He reappeared once and then disappeared again. Was he working for Prophet 5?
Other awesome guest start that I forgot to note in my prior post:
Ricky Gervais- I think the first serious role I’ve ever seen him in.
Jason Segel- Because of my love for Jason Segel, it only made me love Alias more.
All in all I really liked the ending, It left me with that- “spies are everywhere and you never know who is watching you” sort of feeling.
How I Met Your Mother Must Know References
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