Who knew that 70 year old men would put on the best concert
EVER. I knew I would enjoy it and appreciate getting a chance to see the
Rolling Stones live, but the energy level (mainly from Mick Jagger) and the
quality of music was outstanding. Mick Jagger had a catwalk that he would strut
up and down and Keith Richard even moved a bit with his sparkly headband. I
mean we’ve seen some pretty great old guy concerts… Bon Jovi, Elton John and
Billy Joel, Tom Petty…. all which are hard to top… but I think this one topped
those. (I would have to say Elton and
Billy are a close second- only Mick Jagger can hit all the notes still.) I’m
going to go see Justin Timberlake in May too. As sexy as he is going to be….he’s
got a lot to live up to now.
Buzz Feed Joss Whedon which heroine are you- I got Dr.
Horrible's Penny.
So I’ve given up on completing the books first and started
watching Game of Thrones. The books are good- just a bit thick to get through
and I have not been a very progressive reader lately. (My new years resolution is
not going so well). However, I am finding that because the show covers pretty
much everything in the book, I’m actually anxious to find out what happens after
the point I have to read in Book 2. There have been times where I have been
watching and actually wished I didn’t know what was going to happen because I
think it would be more intense. That’s not usually how I operate either.
Usually I want to read books first because when I watch the movie I get
more out of the movie. But a book in a TV format (and an awesome TV show at
that) I’m feeling reading spoils the TV show a bit (that's a slightly awful notion... but it's what I'm feelin').
Mortal Instruments conversation continued: Simon was
probably the best part… and actually beside Magnus Bane being lame and not
loving the casting for Jace… the rest of the casting was pretty good… just not
enough to save the movie. There was very little character development and all
of a sudden they seemed to know each other really well. Again- too much going
on in such a short amount of time. MAYBE it should have been a television show
too! That’s my new thing- complex book series as TV shows.
And because no blog would be complete without some Buzzfeed:
This is interesting (I particularly like the last one): http://www.buzzfeed.com/keelyflaherty/once-upon-a-time-theories-that-might-actually-be-true
I got Mr. Feeny… It might have something to with the fact
that I chose “I am the teacher” http://www.buzzfeed.com/austinhunt/which-boy-meets-world-character-are-you
Also… yesterday a
friend of mine and I were reminiscing about old sitcoms. Then we decided to
make Growing Pains into a drinking game. Then we also discussed how to make watching
Golden Girls into a drinking game (she owns all the seasons on DVD). So turning
80s/90s sitcoms into drinking games might become a thing I do… stay tuned for
Sarah is pleased the concert was rockin’. So pleased in fact
that she is inspired to start her own rock band. Step one- find a sparkly
headband to wear.