Friday, February 28, 2014

Rockin' Old Men and Game of Thrones.... KE

Who knew that 70 year old men would put on the best concert EVER. I knew I would enjoy it and appreciate getting a chance to see the Rolling Stones live, but the energy level (mainly from Mick Jagger) and the quality of music was outstanding. Mick Jagger had a catwalk that he would strut up and down and Keith Richard even moved a bit with his sparkly headband. I mean we’ve seen some pretty great old guy concerts… Bon Jovi, Elton John and Billy Joel, Tom Petty…. all which are hard to top… but I think this one topped those.  (I would have to say Elton and Billy are a close second- only Mick Jagger can hit all the notes still.) I’m going to go see Justin Timberlake in May too. As sexy as he is going to be….he’s got a lot to live up to now.

Buzz Feed Joss Whedon which heroine are you- I got Dr. Horrible's Penny.

So I’ve given up on completing the books first and started watching Game of Thrones. The books are good- just a bit thick to get through and I have not been a very progressive reader lately. (My new years resolution is not going so well). However, I am finding that because the show covers pretty much everything in the book, I’m actually anxious to find out what happens after the point I have to read in Book 2. There have been times where I have been watching and actually wished I didn’t know what was going to happen because I think it would be more intense. That’s not usually how I operate either. Usually I want to read books first because when I watch the movie I get more out of the movie. But a book in a TV format (and an awesome TV show at that) I’m feeling reading spoils the TV show a bit (that's a slightly awful notion... but it's what I'm feelin').

Mortal Instruments conversation continued: Simon was probably the best part… and actually beside Magnus Bane being lame and not loving the casting for Jace… the rest of the casting was pretty good… just not enough to save the movie. There was very little character development and all of a sudden they seemed to know each other really well. Again- too much going on in such a short amount of time. MAYBE it should have been a television show too! That’s my new thing- complex book series as TV shows.

And because no blog would be complete without some Buzzfeed:
I got Mr. Feeny… It might have something to with the fact that I chose “I am the teacher”

Also…  yesterday a friend of mine and I were reminiscing about old sitcoms. Then we decided to make Growing Pains into a drinking game. Then we also discussed how to make watching Golden Girls into a drinking game (she owns all the seasons on DVD). So turning 80s/90s sitcoms into drinking games might become a thing I do… stay tuned for that.

Sarah is pleased the concert was rockin’. So pleased in fact that she is inspired to start her own rock band. Step one- find a sparkly headband to wear. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I don't have a title today... JE

What I wrote right after reading your blog, but before watching the new episode this past week:
So much is happening on Teen Wolf, I almost forgot about Scott's dad having a secret. Almost. Do you think that there is a connection to what happened to Stiles' mom or is that link superficial, something that the evil thing (gitsune? I don't really know what they are saying, it moves so quickly) uses to hide itself or throw people off? I kind of feel better that Derek is back in a "I am going to help you and be a good guy" way. He will help save Stiles and the fandom will swoon and dream. (I still don't really get that, at least not like I get the Dean & Cas fans). And yes, Scott & Kira are adorable, although her mom is going to try and kill his best friend, so that is awkward. And I am totally about Alison and Isaac. I love Isaac in general as just he cracks me up. Also, much like in Supernatural, I am in constant fear that someone will die. 

After this week's episode:
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!jnfjnesln.gdkdsnvdksnv.dksnvkdfsn  There were sparks and tricks and you are a father and kaboom. I don't even know how to predict what is going to happen and if people are going to die over the next several episodes.  I think there are maybe 4 more?  Just madness.

Anyhow, I liked your post.  I don't know if you saw this piece from a Texas sportscaster on Michael Sam (it went pretty viral right after he did it), it's pretty awesome:   I like that he gets just a little political at the end.  And I completely agree with your reaction to Ellen Page's speech.  What was so brilliant is that is was just a great speech aside from her coming out during it.  She spoke so well about the important work that HRC does, and then made it even more powerful by demonstrating how inspiring she found their efforts.

Of course, we (as a country) take a couple steps forward with things like marriage equality in more states and Kansas and Arizona lose their shit.  So, Kansas went first, the state house passed a bill that allows businesses to discriminate against LGBT people if it offends their religion, or something like that.  But the state senate killed it, so that's good.  Not to be outdone, the whackadoodles in the Arizona legislature (I think we remember them from their "we can pull you over if you look illegal" legislation) passed a similar bill, allowing people to refuse service if it "puts a substantial burden on their sincerely held religious beliefs."  They are legalizing discrimination against anyone who is LGBT and declaring it is to protect religion.  So, can I discriminate against the bigots because that offends my personal religion?  I really can't even handle this. 

I can't say I'm surprised about the Mortal Instruments, but still disappointed to hear that.  How was Simon?  That actor is pretty adorable, and I enjoy Simon, so I'm hoping he was okay?  I guess I'll just wait patiently for the final book.  

Buzzfeed quiz:

I got Inara.  I mean, I love Inara, but I was a little unsure about that, until Joss Whedon tweeted that he got Inara.  Maybe I'm still a little unsure, but I will embrace the awesome.

Finally, in honor of Jimmy Fallon's first week hosting the Tonight Show, I leave you with this:

Sarah, like me, is waiting to hear a full review of the old men concert that you attended this week, which was apparently amazing.  She is frozen with anticipation.  Which reminds I still need to see Frozen.  But I think I can rent it on demand or iTunes next week.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love, the NFL and Bad Movies... KE

In honor of Valentine’s Day being recently…Let’s talk about exciting happenings in the world of love. In the last 2 weeks there have been two public “coming outs” that have earned headlines. And although, really, who you choose to love (or just have sex with) should be no one’s worry but your own… because of the state of the world it is important to note why these are significant.

First… Michael Sam.
Okay NFL… time for you to shine. Time for you show the world that this doesn't and shouldn't matter when draft day comes around. This guy was the SEC’s defensive player of the year. ESPN reports “He finished the year with 48 tackles, 19 tackles for loss, 11.5 sacks, two pass breakups, nine quarterback hurries, two forced fumbles and a fumble recovery. That led to a long list of honors, including SEC Defensive Player of the Year, and he was a finalist for the Nagurski Trophy and the Lombardi Award. “  That’s it… that’s what matters. If his sexuality is a factor of how he treated as a football player then the NFL needs to re-evaluate their priorities.

Why it is courageous for a celebrity to stand up proudly for who they are, I actually like this more because this is just a really, really awesome speech. She never made it about her, but rather what incredible work the Human Rights Campaign does and how it inspired her. It was honest. She doesn’t bash on being a celebrity or says “whoa is me” because she is one, but rather states simply that it does affect who she is sometimes, but she’s working on it. I have to give major props and I am glad that it made the media splash that it did.

On a completely different tangent-  I watched the Mortal Instruments................(pause for heavy sigh)......... it was like more than Percy Jackson bad. Except, it stays pretty true to the book but there is just WAY too much happening. I think the reality is that it just didn’t translate very well into a movie. Jonathan Rhys Meyers could have been an excellent Valentine… but he just wasn’t… at least there wasn’t any build up to him, so he didn’t seem very threatening. Also I try to watch these movies from the perspective of someone who hasn’t read the books and that just made it like 10 times worse and I imagine very confusing. Especially with the weird ending. But I think the most disappointing factor was that Magnus Bane was only in the movie for like 2 seconds and he was AWFUL. I’m usually pretty tolerant of movie adaptations of books because I get things are going to be lost in translation… but this was just an all-around bad movie. I can see why the sequel is so questionable.

And OMG- STILES! I’m Teen Wolf caught up and kind of freaking out a bit. And definitely crying a little during the latest episode. This is how you take the funny side-kick with no special powers and turn him into the center of the plot. And what is Scott’s dad’s secret? (And please Scott kiss the cute Kira girl, because as much girl power as Allison has I’m so over her for you.)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's your birthday! JE

Happy Birthday!  Okay, it's not technically your birthday yet at my house.  But it is well into your birthday at your house, so I feel it is appropriate to say woohoo, yay, and ready or not, you have entered your final year as a twenty-something.  Don't worry, I've been at this thirty-something thing for a while and you have nothing to fear.  

I am SO glad that you have finished Supernatural season 5.  I won't tell you how far I have gotten into season 6 because it's your birthday, but since season 5 is behind us and it is (so far) my favorite, I wanted to give it some time.  Because of it being my favorite. Like if I had known that I was going to like it this much when I was starting season 1, I would be finished now. First of all, as we have discussed, there is Cas.  How can you not love this guy?  From his normal, awkward, angel who can't help but kinda love the humans self to future Cas in his hippie free love drug phase.  How amazing was that?  And I love that Sam & Dean had to communicate with him over the phone after he hid them from the angels.  So funny.  I was also a big fan of the twist with the trickster being the angel Gabriel.  I liked the episodes with him in general because they were such a good balance of humor (when they were the CSI guys I was in hysterics) and real, serious danger due and lack of control, and then the added element that he was an angel was very well done.  And because because every show needs a bad guy that you love to hate and hate to love, we get Crowley.  I have never seen Mark Sheppard in a role that he does not just knock out of the park.  Romo on Battlestar, Badger on Firefly, Canton on Doctor Who, the director of the Ring on Chuck, Valda on Warehouse, etc.  Elated to hear him talk about all these things at Emerald City Comicon.  And I would be remiss not to mention how much I loved the appearance of Ash in heaven.  Because his take on heaven was so perfectly in character, up to and including the fact that he had hacked the system.  This season gave us so much in the field of old character development and new characters.  Including our main duo and Bobby, who would could be my favorite.  However I think my real favorite is Chuck the prophet.  First of all, I am a total sucker for all things meta, so the whole thing where there are books about their lives that have a obsessive fandom is brilliant.  Then fitting it into the whole angel storyline and having him be a prophet was perfect.  Plus he was completely endearing.  Per usual, my love of a show is completely character driven.  I mean, I like this storyline this season.  I think I was drawn to it because it was a different kind of apocalypse than anything on Buffy, which steered clear of the traditional biblical world end and stayed in its own world with all things hellmouth.  But angels and demons and Lucifer, plus the four horseman (Death was great, terrifying, but then he also likes a good meal.  Even though rational and chained to Lucifer, he is still formidable and demanding of the respect that comes with his roll.  Definitely the best horseman), that is just all kinds of crazy fun.  I do worry about getting too attached though, as they clearly have no trouble killing people off.  I mean, it's no Game of Thrones, but certainly on par with a Whedon show.  

I also just caught up on Teen Wolf from last night.  Um, holy, all the things batman.  I don't even know what to do with this season, but I love it.  Although I am terrified.  But they won't kill off _____ (name redacted to prevent spoilers), will they?  When you get caught up, I'm going to need you to reassure me that there is no way they would kill ______.  You'll know.

Oscar news!  Idina Menzel is going to perform Let it Go from Frozen!  So exciting.  Which means I really need to see that movie.  Also, I don't know if you saw the video clip I reblogged on tumblr the other day of Anthony Rapp singing a song from the new musical If/Then, but I cannot wait to see clips of that at the Tonys.  It comes out in March, so I assume that is plenty of time?  And if not, then definitely next year. Because it is written by the guys who did Next to Normal (which is amazing) and stars Rapp and Menzel.  A-freaking-mazing.  I don't even care what it's about, I just want the soundtrack.  And the ability to apparate to NYC and obtain tickets for opening night.  

I haven't watched a ton of the Olympics.  But I did see that adorable boy from Canada win the gold in that skiing competition I don't understand.  But he won it in Vancouver (and was the first Canadian to win a gold at home), and this was a repeat victory.  They ski down a hill with lots of little bumps, very quickly, and there are two jumps where they do a flip in the air and try to be kind of fancy, but the speed matters too.  And of course, not falling is important.  Anyhow, I saw that, and he was adorable again.  I also watched a little of the team figure skating.  The Russians were obliterating everyone.  There was a tiny Russian girl whose free skate was brilliant, Tara Lipinski & Johnny Weir are doing the commentary and they were gushing over this performance, and also throwing in a bit of a "I have thought she was the dark horse to win this for months."  Yeah, yeah, you're smart, but see no one else was watching this months ago, no one cared then. And apparently Shaun White did not win a medal today.  Did he cut his hair before the last Olympics?  If not, then my theory is that all his power was clearly in his hair and the haircut took it all away.

Okay, well, I think that's about all I've got for now.  Hope that your birthday is spectacular!!  

After her impressive, buzzfeed influenced efforts creating your birthday message, she has returned to marathoning West Wing and counting the days until her new job.  But there are sure to be more magical adventures soon.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I don’t know about you… but I am not feelin’ 29…KE

So this is a “oh my God I’m turning 29 this week” blog… because well, I am. I always take a bit of comfort that you are a bit older… and my age has never really bothered me… but wow. 29. Not feelin’ so great about it.

You posted this a few weeks… 29 awesome things about being 29.
And many of these things ring very true… And many that don’t ring so true… so let's review...
#1- I don’t really give a shit a lot of the time.
#2- 11pm has always and will always be a socially acceptable bed time in my book. Because I don’t really give a shit if it isn’t.
#3- Most my friends here are in their 20s and then I am old and wise… at home many of my friends are a bit older and I’m the young one… it’s a win either way….
#4- Craft beer has always and will always be delicious… this is not an age thing… it’s just been what can I afford.
#5- They were never soul crushing acts of sadism. Life lessons yes…but I was never that damaged.
#6- I love to gossip and it’s true… I don’t feel as guilty about it as I once did.
#7- There are no foamy pillows in my life- just cheap ones from the department store. And I sleep fine.
#8- I have never felt the need to join on the social network sites… and yet I belong to more than others my age… so in that way I am rather youthful still.
#9- I’m a teacher… I hang out with teachers… of course we’re all tired. Age has little to do with that.
#10- Is calling someone out on something really a sign of age or just personality?
#11- I order white wine when I want… because again… see number 1.
#12- I am hip when it comes to music and I know who Avicii is.
#13- Friends is in syndication on like 10 different challenges… I am young enough that I wasn’t alive when I Love Lucy was on… but I know what it is. Friends is known by people much young than me.
#14- It does not take me 5 minutes to get ready… that is just false.
#15- Money conserving is definitely becoming my sure sign of age.
#16- Like Jess said- “Cause it Can”
#17- This has always been true… as a matter as fact when I was younger I was required to dress up as often as I am now… so I dismiss this one.
#18- I prefer the term “Youths”.
#19- True, true, true. In all my traveling lately this is one that I know as a sure sign of age. 16 person dorm rooms at hostels just don’t cut it for me anymore.
#20- Um…. Again this is more about personality, because I don’t do this.
#21- Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking in early 20s. But then again if I hadn’t done that… I wouldn’t be here.
#22- I don’t think I ever lied about seeing books and movies… and I usually have at least seen more movies than other people… so I’ve got that going for me anyways.
#23- I still like to plan out some sightseeing when I vacation. But MAYBE I’ve slowed down just a bit.
#24- I think this is a repeat of #1… just generally not caring about some things… a total sign of age.
#25- Save the drama for your mama…
#26- Oh man… this really dates me… but I bring this up often and I still get quite excited when I can find a music video on VH1.
#27- No. I don’t do this. I can go to dinner on my own… but not usually just sit at a bar. I usually drink alone in private.
#28- Kids are pretty awesome.
#29- I can pretend to be Beyonce fabulous… but 30 does freak me out a bit.

So in conclusion... ack... I'm still turning 29. I'm not as poor as I once... I like nice things... and I work more. But I guess I just shouldn't give a shit. :) 

You’re points about the Harry and Hermione thing were very good and well said. JK should have just left it alone. I love Ron and so does Hermione.

The Olympics are hard to follow with no TV and not living in a country that is participating in them. I’m sure they’ll be on in some places though. Just keep me updated on anything exciting.

And my TV viewing goals weren’t reached this weekend. I watched a little. But instead I actually ended up leaving the apartment, going for a walk and then watching a movie with friends. So no new TV thoughts and updates. However I need to begin the Supernatural once again as I am worried you will lap me and then we won’t be able to watch together this summer.

Stay tuned!

Sarah is snowed in...and drunk. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

No no no no no no no no - JE

In the immortal words of Robin Sherbatsky when she finds that ring in the bottom of her champagne: No no no no no you cannot do this to me, no no no no. Harry & Hermione? No. Not at all. Hermione is, as we all know, the brightest witch of her age. And she picks Ron, who is loving and loyal and imperfect. And not as smart as her and that is perfectly okay. And maybe he goes on to run a joke shop with his brother while she does crazy genius things. And she appreciates the balance that he brings to her intellectual activist life. And he, after the therapy that they will all need after that ordeal, is perfectly okay being in her shadow because he has more than established his worth because after years of being the sidekick to the boy who lived, not to mention decades of being the youngest brother he finally gets that the spotlight is just that, a spotlight. It doesn't determine your worth, it just makes you visible. Ron Weasley is no fool and he has witnessed what comes with the kind of glory he wanted when he first looked into the mirror of erised and he is just fine being Mr. Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's best mate.  There is no, Harry and Hermione make more sense. The brainy girl with big teeth and crazy hair is suddenly beautiful and ends up with the leading man? Where have we heard that before? Oh, I know, everywhere. You can't develop this relationship over 7 books and come back and say, eh, should have completely re-written that. That epilogue that is way too pretty (so much post-war therapy) and if you want to discuss that, then perhaps. But leave Ron Weasley alone. He grew beautifully over 7 books and more than merited the love of the girl who saved all their asses repeatedly. 
Not to mention, by making it always Hermione & Ron, and not a question, it made it so that the book was about everything else.  It wasn't which one will she pick (unless you were a little delusional) because it was established that Harry & Hermione were fantastic friends.  There wasn't Team Ron vs Team Harry because that would have been completely foolish in so many ways.  It was Team Trio all the way.  Or maybe Team Hermione, cause we know who the real hero was (sorry Harry, you are very brave and talented too, but that isn't the point of this post, so just get over it)
Ms. Rowling, I am a tremendous fan of your work and will continue to be so, but in this case I will stick to the wisdom of one John Green. Once they are out there, books belong to their readers. This reader will be ignoring this ridiculous revelation.

Okay, now that I've gotten that taken care of, let's see what else.

Currently I have the Olympic Opening Ceremony on in the background.  I had thoughts of a little live blogging, but I missed the first 45 minutes and now it is just the athletes parade and while the sweaters are certainly intriguing, I don't think I can come up with that many creative things.  I could just make Putin jokes, but I don't want to lose any potential Russian audience by getting blocked. 

So, I certainly don't want to defend the media, but the State of the Union was kind of uneventful.  Obama was like, you losers can't do anything, so here is what I'm going to try and do with executive powers, anytime you want to try and accomplish something, I live right down the street.  Whereas the Beiber antics might get him deported.  Okay, not really.  I don't think we deport Canadian pop stars, but we probably should when they commit crimes.  

Interjecting: Team Bermuda for the win, they are wearing shorts.  Apparently no one told them it was the Winter Olympics or that they were going to Russia.  

I am pretty sad about Philip Seymour Hoffman.  Such a horrible waste, a horrible thing for his 3 young children, and on a purely selfish level, I am just sad that there will never be another film that is improved by his perfect performance.  There are not many performers on his level (I'm thinking Meryl Streep, Daniel Day Lewis... in my opinion Amy Adams & Christian Bale are close or at least getting there... a few others) where every role is extraordinary and unique and exactly what the movie needed.  At least from the work that I saw, he made bad movies good, good movies great, and excelled when the movie was truly exceptional. Drug addiction is terrible and tragic and I hope that from this high profile death, a few people take notice, pay attention, and maybe think about getting some help.  I think Aaron Sorkin, someone who certainly knows about addiction, wrote a simple but elegant obituary here:

Interjection: With the cyrillic alphabet, I never know who will be coming out next.  It's just all over the place.  But don't worry, Canada is here!  I love those guys.  I also love when countries have just one athlete.  Like Kyrgyzstan. And Malta.

Okay, since we are talking about the Olympics, I think the most interesting thing is the addition of a team figure skating medal.  So while they will have the normal competition for the individual and pairs medals, there is also a team medal, which means more figure skating (which I enjoy) and better team spirit, which is nice.  Someone Nancy Kerrigan is thinking, really?  Where the hell was this idea when I got clobbered in the knee?  And Tonya Harding is like, eh, wouldn't have stopped me.

So, I didn't go to the parade on Wednesday.  I really thought a lot about it, but I decided I didn't need to go.  Although maybe I should have because it all still feels a little surreal.  I can't really wrap my head around it.  Superbowl champions.  With the intensity of the NFC championship game and the one-sidedness of the Superbowl, I can't help but think of the 2004 World Series.  After that legendary ALCS, the Red Sox's World Series win and ending of their curse was completed in an anti-climatic manner.  The real series had been that ALCS agains the Yankees.  
But ultimately on Wednesday I had way too much to do at work, it was ridiculously cold (not polar vortex cold, but close), and I knew it was going to be crowded and delayed, and I could just watch it on my computer.  I just love how excited everyone was and that there were more people downtown than live in Seattle proper.  Speaking of the World Series... when we win that, I'll be one of the people camping out on the street the night before.  But you already knew that.

I have seen more Oscar flicks, as you know, but will wait until I've gotten through them all for a full review and award prediction post.

I mentioned the polar vortex and now Sarah is in a real life winter wonderland.  Portland has been blanketed with snow.  I haven't seen Frozen yet, so I don't know if this means she succeed or not on her last mission, but she is going to have to wait it out with her Bailey's & hot chocolate.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We are the Champions of the World...KE

Again with the delayed this response… but so many things happened this week! Mom and Dad came to visit me here in the sand land...which kept me pretty busy for about  a week, so I’m playing catch up now.

So where to start…where to start…. Hmmm…
Oh yeah… THE SEAHAWKS WON THE FREAKIN’ SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to be more specific the Seahawks didn’t just win… they DOMINATED leaving no doubt with their 43-8 win. Mom and dad were able to get the game in their hotel room so I got up at 3:30am and went over there to watch until I had to go to school. The only disappointing thing was that that we didn’t get to watch the commercials. I have seen some on the internet since… but I will need your notes and reactions regarding the commercials.
And did I mention that the SEAHAWKS WON THE SUPERBOWL.
And not only did we win, but we kick Peyton Manning’s ass who is probably one the greatest QB… which leads me to my favorite post Superbowl buzzfeed list:

Okay a few other things I need to comment on for this week…
State of the Union happens in the USA… and Justin Beiber make headlines above that. America epic fail. Although it’s not that I’m really that surprised. I just continued to be disappointed with the news priorities. Where is Will McAvoy when we need him?

JK Rowling announced that she made a mistake putting Hermione with Ron instead of with Harry and Harry and Hermione should have ended up together. I get it. It does make more sense. However, I don’t think she should have said as much. There is an argument to made for Hermione and Harry both needing  a platonic sibling relationship that they found with each other. She already told to world that she almost killed off Ron and now she tells us he shouldn't have gotten the girl. I love Ron. He’s probably one my favorites. She should have just let it be… but it nice to know that she continues to think about them so much… perhaps her writing days of that world aren't over.


Also, seriously glad you have now watched all the Sherlock so I don't have to keep from chatting about it. Because the second episode with John's wedding was my most favorite episode ever. I laughed, I cried and I feel a little more in love with Sherlock. 

Fault in Our Stars preview was released and made us all tear up... I really hope it comes out here… and it’s okay if you don’t wait for me to see.  However, if it doesn't come out here you’ll need to see it again with me.

Sad news… Philp Seymor Hoffman. I honestly wasn't aware that he had substance problems. So sad… such great talent. I hate when actors I really enjoy watching die…it’s sad.  (Yes I am aware I just use sad three times… I call it as I see it.)

And to not end my blog on a sad note…
AH!!! More Bad NFL bad lip read… you know how much this makes me laugh.

Okay… spending my weekend TV catching up… although not too far behind. I make HIMYM a priority always… the return of all the cameos was pretty good this week. Mostly focusing on watching Blacklist, Teen Wolf and Supernatural. 

And I'm not sure what a Polar Vortex Musical is... and I have yet to see Frozen... but I have faith Sarah survived...or performed well?