AH! 12 days since the last post… sorry this is delayed…things
have been busy…and I’m way behind on everything (including finishing my report cards- but let's prioritize). Plus you’ve been
emailing/messaging me all this things, but I feel I haven’t been able to
properly respond… so I’m spending the weekend playing TV catch up, blog catch
up and general life catch up.
First- The Seahawks… We’re going to the f-ing Super
Bowl! I love these guys… however the
challenge is finding a place I can watch the Super Bowl here in desert (at 3:30am)- AND mom
and dad will be here. And remember how we were talking about Pete Carroll…and
then we concluded that he was the “Danny Tanner” of the NFL with his loving lecture
ways. Well now apparently this is happening during the Super Bowl…. http://msnvideo.msn.com/?channelindex=2&from=en-us_msnhp#/video/2ac0b243-6c0e-4c01-82df-b3655980d678.
Can’t wait to see the actual commercial!
Second- You’re like WAY ahead on Supernatural… so you just
need to slow like WAY down or we won’t be able to discuss! I’m spending the
weekend doing some catch up… but I also have regular TV scheduling to catch up
on. (I’m a bit hung over today (Friday) so I’m finding TV the perfect
Third- Your Golden Globes review was awesome… it was
inspiring to point of going to Hulu and watching the highlights per you’re
Fourth- Um, has Sherlock aired yet? Because if it has I’m
not sure why you haven’t watched yet… or if you have watched you have yet to
inform me! Please make this a priority.
Fifth- HIMYM…. The end is getting SO close. But they are
leaving no stone unturned. This week finding out about Barney’s job, but then
Lily and Marshall’s fight. SO many things. Despite a
few disappointing episodes and especially the disappointing (and
slightly offensive) slap episode this last season is doing well of bringing
everything back around.
Sixth- I’m Parks and Rec caught up. I spent an evening working
on the puzzle currently spread out on my dinning table and watching this
season. So I’ve got that going for me- plus I like the way they went about the
recall. Leslie had to lose so she could go onto to bigger things without the show
having to wait around for her city council position to play out.
Okay… I think that gets me somewhat caught up… onto
recovering from a “I’m too old for this stuff” sort of night and cleaning a bit
because mom and dad come in 6 days! (You know how that is)
Sarah Update: Sarah’s portkey took her right to the middle
of San Francisco during the Seahawk-49er game…it’s was just about as dangerous
as it could get… not yet sure how she survived.
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