Since we're relaunching (for our countless readers - which at the moment is Krystal and at one time a couple Buffy fans in Russia) here's a little about me:
I count other people's money for a living.
I recently bought a house, which is a new life challenge. One thing I've learned is that if my mom says, "we can do that, it'll be easy" then it will take hours and involve a lot of swearing and tension.
I am the oldest sister.
I start counting the days until pitchers & catchers report as soon as the World Series ends.
Despite being the oldest, and having been introduced to the series by Sarah, the youngest, I think I am the biggest Harry Potter nerd of the three of us. Although none of us are Muggles.
I totally started watching Doctor Who first, but Kacey passed me quickly and I had to catch up. She is, however, totally responsible for getting me to watch How I Met Your Mother.
I don't like animals, shopping for clothes, Ranch dressing, or nacho cheese Doritos.
I watch so much TV that I have a Google doc to keep track of what episodes I've watched so I don't get confused on where I'm at.
I love TV, but hate "reality" TV unless it is some kind of singing talent competition. And I don't really watch any of those anymore because I just like the part where the people sing/perform and hate all the manufactured drama.
I try to watch all the Best Picture Oscar nominees before the Oscars because I unapologetically love awards shows. The Tonys are the best, but if the Golden Globes keep bringing back Amy & Tina, they may have a chance. Because drunk celebrities plus Amy & Tina is entertainment gold.
From earlier this week (don't worry Kacey, I have more random thoughts for my next post, but this was a part of my original post, so it stays): This week was election week, which is usually pretty exciting for me, but it's an off year and I'm not overly interested in the initiatives. Mostly because I hate initiatives. As a general rule I am a big proponent of representative democracy. I pay attention to what is happening generally and elect people to make decisions. If I feel they are doing a crappy job, then I will vote for someone else. Initiatives are generally poorly written with little regard for the fiscal impact they will have. There are always exceptions - if it takes an initiative to advance civil rights because the legislature is too afraid of bigots to do something, then I'm certainly going to vote for it, but generally speaking, I want elected officials to do their job. So on Tuesday I'll certainly have my computer open to King County Elections, refreshing to see who wins the Seattle Mayor's race, but I won't make an effort to find an election night party. I'll wait until we're celebrating Hillary in 2016. Yeah, that's right, I said it. Don't pick a fight with me on this. You'll lose.
A brief intro for the 3rd sister, who will make appearances from time to time, as that character you never see, but always speak of (see our earlier post on that topic):
Sarah... Portland... elusive...
She helps the helpless.
She is a social butterfly.
Current quest: She comes upon a giant tree, which appears to talk slowly, but also beats you if you get to close. You have to throw a rock and hit the knot to make it stop swinging at you. Roll 15 or higher to hit the knot. (everything I know about D&D I learned from TV shows, so I'm sorry if it's wrong)
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