Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jamie Reviews the Golden Globes with her BFF Tina and Leslie Knope

Well hello. It's been a while. Did you miss us? Really??? That's so sweet.  I am very sorry, there were holidays, an epic computer virus, and of course the constant state of stress that is buying a house. That is almost done, and soon it will be the stress of a remodel, and then moving. (Being a grown-up is AWESOME.)  But then I will be very poor so I should have lots of time to write.
But enough about me, let's talk about everyone's favorite televised celebrity party, the Golden Globes. While I always enjoy this night where TV & film stars come together to drink and mingle and celebrate each other, I was even more excited this year. Because of Tina & Amy. You see, the Golden Globes aren't always that well hosted and while Ricky Gervais had his moments, we were kind of over him. So when the powers that be announced that two of my favorite women, Tina Fey (my BFF) and Amy Poehler (Leslie Knope), were going to host, this became a highly anticipated night.
So, how did they do? They were brilliant, of course. My only complaint, I wanted to give them more screen time, not to mention the Oscars (sorry Seth MacFarland, I'm sure you'll do just fine, but I'll be thinking of my BFF Tina and Leslie Knope), Emmys, Grammys, SAG awards (does that even have a host?), MTV Movie Awards, MTV Music Video awards (do they still have that even though MTV no longer plays music videos?), People's Choice Awards (sorry Kaley) well, I could go on, but I think you get the idea. My favorite thing in general was how comfortable they came off, with each other, with the evening. Nothing was forced and that made it funnier. These are two very funny women and it was overall a very quality night of celebrities loving themselves and the rest of us watching. Here are some highlights:
- Bill Freaking Clinton. President Clinton introduced the clip for the film Lincoln, and given the reaction of the crowd, this was clearly not previously announced. It was like a room full of children when Santa Claus walks in, bordering on a room full of tweens when Justin Bieber walks in. Their reaction could have been seen as ridiculous, but their enthusiasm was so genuine, it was kind of adorable. Who says rich Hollywood liberals can't be surprised? And I know it was a surprise because not all of them can act that well. This appearance by Bill also led to my favorite Amy/Tina lines of the night, an incredibly excited Amy shrieking, oh my god, that was Hillary Clinton's husband, with Tina rushing out to add, that was Bill Rodham Clinton. Incredibly well played ladies. 
- I actually saw the two big movie winners!! I am incredibly behind with my annual Oscarpalooza movie viewing. However, I made a point to start the day before the Golden Globes, and I saw Argo & Les Miserables. And then they won. Coincidence? I doubt it. 
- Jennifer Lawrence. I will not call her J-Law, she is far too awesome to be called that. As I told my friends who were watching with me, I know she's younger than me, but when I grow up, I want to be Jennifer Lawrence. I just wish Meryl Streep had been there to witness the "I beat Meryl" First Wives Club reference that she pulled out, you know Meryl would have loved it. Maybe she would have been so amused she would have insisted on being in a movie with the young Ms. Lawrence. And then she could be President Coin. Because come on, you know that would be brilliant. Harry Potter got Maggie Smith & Alan Rickman among countless others, why can't Hunger Games have Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep.  I may have gotten a little off topic.
-Homeland. Okay, I get it. Sweeps the Emmys, sweeps the Golden Globes. The discs are at my house. I will get on it. 
- Lena Dunham. I have not watched any of the comedy series champion of the night, Girls. And to be honest, I was a little on the fence about it. But no more. I hereby promise that I will obtain on Netflix and subsequently watch (after Homeland, of course) the first season. Why? Because Lena Dunham is clearly awesome, even if she made a poor shoe choice. Her speeches, yeah, they were well done and funny and sweet an genuine, but nevermind that. Did you see her face when Bill Clinton came out on stage? It was a look of sheer joy and absolute glee. This is a woman I want to support, we understand each other. Just like my BFF Tina and Leslie Knope.
- Anne Hathaway. This is just for Kacey, cause she used to not be a fan. Every time I see a clip or an interview snidbit from Anne Hathaway, I like her even more. She is totally awesome. No BS, just like Jennifer. And that performance in Les Mis? Just put her name on the Oscar, cause no one can touch that. I'll do a full review on that movie later. It merits an entire post. Her speech at the Golden Globes was very nice, I especially loved her Sally Field shout out, if the Flying Nun can become Norma Rae, then there was hope for the Princess of Genovia.
- Claire Danes. Her acceptance speech started off a little awkward, while wanting to sound appreciative, her comment about how much the HFP loves her came off, well, not as humble as she may have liked. She saved it though, with kudos to her fellow nominees and a well stated sentiment regarding the high quality of TV being made right now. As I have stated on here repeatedly, I am a big fan of TV, and despite all of the reality crap, there are a lot of brilliant shows being produced right now.
- Jodie Foster. Did her speech get a little rambly and off topic in between incredibly powerful moments? Totally. Did she bring Hollywood outcast Mel Gibson as her date? Yeah. Loyalty, I guess? But did she start her speech with an SNL reference about being 50? You're damn right she did. She is Jodie Foster and she is awesome (and she's 50 and kicking). Plus, bonus points in life if Robert Downey Jr. gives you your lifetime achievement award. And those clips? The woman is amazing.
Jennifer Garner - Wife of the year, taking a minute before presenting whatever she was supposed to present to thank a couple people that her husband had forgotten. His thank you speech was solid as well. And everyone collectively thought. F you Oscars, how dare you snub Ben. 

My highlight list is a little heavy with the ladies, and I didn't even mention drunk Glenn Close. With Amy & Tina leading the way, the women of the evening really did shine. Which I think makes for a highly enjoyable evening.  

Books read: 2 (I only made it to 49.5 in 2012, but the .5 was the 4th book in the Song of Ice and Fire, so I'm counting it) 

Coming Soon: Sarah is back in action helping the homeless, which she thinks will make an excellent musical. She'll share the opening number which is a frightening take on both Avenue Q and Les Mis.

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