We don't get super political on here a lot, but that's not because we aren't highly opinionated and aware of issues. So I was listening to NPR this morning, like I do, and heard that the do nothing Congress was planning yet another vote to repeal the health care act in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling yesterday. And it really pissed me off. So I wrote a little letter to the Speaker.
Dear Speaker Boehner:
31 times? Seriously? I get that your majority was voted into office largely thanks to a campaign of fear that centered on the health care bill. I know that you really don't like this bill, although I don't really know why. I mean, it's not perfect, and I would probably have gone another direction (which, man, would have sent you through the roof. If you think the current bill or anything Obama does even flirts with socialism, my health care thoughts would give you nightmares), but compromise is how we get things done. It is, however, an important step in making sure that all Americans have access to health care. You don't think health care should only be accessible to those who can afford its constantly increasing price tag, do you? I didn't think so. I really want to believe there is a person under all that orange. (Sorry, that was a little personal, but I am upset) And I know you don't want to spend more on it than necessary, or at least that is the rhetoric you are always spewing, so let's pretend that's what you mean. Of course this not wanting to waste government money thing is pretty weak when you are continually spending your time (which my tax dollars pay for) voting to repeal the same law over and over, even though nothing has changed.
Did we have an election yesterday that changed the Senate or the Presidency and I missed it? *Checks the internet* Nope. All that happened was the Supreme Court shut down one of your major arguments against this act. And it was led by one of "your" guys. That hurts, doesn't it? Have a little cry and then let's move on.
I understood your desire to have a symbolic vote with your new majority the first time, even though you knew it couldn't go anywhere. You put it on your lit pieces and go back to your tea parties and say you tried and hope they give you a majority in the Senate and a Romney in the White House (although he could change his mind tomorrow) that will allow you take health care away from people with pre-existing conditions and young adults who need a couple more years because they can't get a job, etc.
Oh! That brings me to my point. Jobs. The economy, it's not so hot. Now, I don't think you can fix it. I mean, even if I had never taken an Econ class and believed that the government had a magic wand they could wave to just make it better, you haven't me given any reason to believe this Congress can get anything accomplished. Was that too harsh? Well, too bad. People are without jobs, losing their homes, and you're wasting time trying to take away their health care. See what I did there? I learned that watching pundits and politicians, many of whom are on your side. That may be exaggerated, but that's not the point. It's a good line and it gets the purpose of this little rant across. We have actual problems, and while I have no confidence in your ability to do anything about them, you could try. Maybe even prove me wrong. I would appreciate it if you would quit voting on the same thing over and over again and wasting your tax payer funded time. If you can't come up with anything to discuss, just let me know and I'd be happy to give you some ideas. Or even better, ask President Obama. He has a ton of great ideas and I think you could probably even find some common ground if you stopped wasting time trying to make the extreme members of your party happy. The President is far more moderate than anyone but the far left wing will give him credit for (and with them it's more blame than credit), and no matter how many times you say that he's a crazy liberal trying to appeal to a left wing base, it simply isn't true. (I know you're going to say something about gay marriage, but that isn't appealing to a base, that is about accepting reality. Just stop or you're going to look like an even bigger moron than you & your party already do on this issue)
Just stop it with the same bullshit political gestures to appease your whackjob base. You lost this one. You're not going to get it back, and by the time you have the opportunity, people are going to be comfortable with the changes. They are going to like it, rely on it. So move on. Plenty of other issues to work on. That's kind of what we pay you to do.
Thanks for listening. I feel a little better now.
Books read: 31
Coming soon: Sarah writes a top ten list of things Congress could do with the time they have wasted trying to repeal the ACA.
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