Many times a day I imagine my life is a sitcom and pause for laughter. Sometimes it comes and sometimes it doesn’t. *pauses*
There are many different types of highly entertaining sitcoms and Jamie and I, being experts in television, could discuss what makes a good sitcom for a long while. One day I plan to write a sitcom based around my family…so stay tuned for that… but for now this blog will have to do. One ingredient that some, but not all, sitcoms have is the all-imsportant unseen character.
Let’s review some…
Cheers (sitcom royalty) had Vera, Norm’s wife. She was popular topic of conversation for Norm, however never actually came to the bar.
Frasier kept the tradition of its originator (Cheers) and had Niles’ wife Maris stay hidden from view at all times, all though she was a driving force in Niles’ life.
Will and Grace had the great Stanley Walker whom the audience imagined as being the largest man ever from Karen’s description.
Friends had the Ugly Naked Guy, and while he wasn’t referenced every episode and eventually left, provided lots of jokes, while leaving lots to the imaginations.
A few honorable mentions:
Tino from My So-Called Life. Not a sitcom, but he was a classic often mentioned, never seen character that managed to always have some sort of “connection” for the main characters. Even if Tino wasn't the guy, he always knew a guy.
Howard’s Mom (Big Bang Theory)- She’s not totally hidden because we hear her so often, she’s simply kept out of view, again leaving the audience only to visualize someone to go with the voice. And what a voice it is.
Wilson from Home Improvement - while not completely hidden, they did keep him behind the fence for the majority of the series. Even when Tim & Jill went over to his house for dinner, the audience only saw Wilson from behind various household items.
Okay, now you’re wondering “why on earth did you bring this up Kacey?” And I bring it up because as you may have noticed this blog is about 3 sisters, but only two of use every post. Sarah is always around, she’s just off-screen at the moment. We're certain she'll be posting soon and you certainly wouldn't want to miss that. The appearance, or even near appearance of an otherwise unseen character is the stuff of ratings gold.
Coming soon: Sarah analyzes the importance of dreams through the Buffy season 4 finale, Restless
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