Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kacey makes apple cider...

Last weekend my family gathered in a barn in the country (at my aunt and uncle's house) and pressed apples into cider. Jamie was not present, as she lives a fair distance away and doesn't drive, but Sarah was there along with some aunts, a few uncles, my awesome cousins and pretty much the dopest grandparents ever. We rocked it.

As I helped chop apples and fill jugs with apple cider I couldn't help but wonder- "who does this?" In modern day American who sits in a barn for a few hours, with their extended and presses apples into cider. The Amish? Even more so, who does it and ENJOYS it? Okay, so yes there are probably others out there- but it's rare.

To get some perspective of my weekend activity my mind wonders to some of my favorite families and I wondered- would they?

The Huxtables:
There is one obvious reason this classic 80s family wouldn't be found in a country barn making cider: they live in the Bronx. However, they did have a small backyard and could see it as one of Cliff's crazy ideas that all the kids would grudgingly do. Then they would probably invite over some wise, old friend of theirs like a poet, musician or professor (from Hillman of course) and all the kids would listen respectfully as they told stories and made fun of Cliff. It would be awesome.

The Tanners:
Again here we have to problem of a city family. But, that aside, the Tanners would possibly plan a cider making day. However, it would be major drama. DJ would get mad at Stephanie and need a talk from Danny; Joey would just make some joke and annoy Uncle Jessie, and Michelle would just do something cute and be totally useless. Then cue the music... the dramatic reconciling... and then maybe some cider would be pressed.

The Foremans:
I was originally thinking that the Bradys would be a good choice to reflect on, but I honestly know very little about the Bradys and in terms of 70s era families I think the Foremans better represent. The apple cider making would probably never happen at the Foremans unless Kitty insisted. While Eric got in trouble from Red because he was being a dumbass, Fez and Hyde would concoct a plan to ferment the cider, and ultimately Kelso would cause the whole thing to fall apart. Then they would do that thing where they all sit in the circle...

The Bennets:
I not sure if cider making was something done in 19th century England, but I would imagine it was somewhere. However, Mrs. Bennet would probably NEVER allow her daughters to partake in such an activity unless they is resulted in one of them getting married. Not that would stop Elizabeth, who would probably enjoy something like that (and Jane would as well). Plus the house hold staff would probably do most of the work.

The Weasleys:
Yes they would make cider. But it would be done of course with magic after Mr. Weasley would have figured how to charm a muggle apple cider press. However I foresee something going wrong, maybe with some help from Fred and George, and ultimately they wouldn't get very far. (Important to note- apple cider pressing takes place in the fall and all the kids would be at Hogwarts anyway, so it depends on what sort of timeline were talking.)

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