My summer was awesome and I did live in tipi for some of it (while I worked at summer camp- I don't just own a tipi that I decided to move into for a short amount of time).
Things to know about living in tipi: it's dirty, spiders and mice live with you, it's dirty, it's wet when it rains, if you leave the door rolled up don't be surprised to find deer inside, it's dirty, mosquitos will bit you and it's pretty much the most awesome thing ever. I recommend it.
So I think my next blog post will be about this upcoming weekend. Jamie, Sarah and I are taking place in some family bonding activities. Saturday is us, plus Bekha (like a sister), Alex (cousin) and maybe Meryl- Jamie's roommate- in Seattle having some bonding time. Then Sunday we're making cider with our extended family while celebrating some birthdays. Our family is always entertaining and stories will be sure to follow.
Next important business- things to look forward to this fall:
Kacey and Jamie talk fall TV (so far SOOO good)
Kacey tries teaching 26 kindergartners
Kacey watches all Harry Potter films in a weekend
Kacey lives at home (with mom and dad)
Kacey watching football (my mom calls me Cheryl is reference to the little girl in Remember the Titans)
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