It's pledge week on my local NPR station. I've made my pledge and am getting my first ever NPR tumbler in a few weeks. I find pledge week a little trying, but I try not to complain too much, because if that is what is needed for NPR to keep on keeping on, it's a small price to pay. And I don't just mean because of all the great programming and news coverage, like the great story this morning on a hotly contested city council race that I am still undecided about. I need NPR so that I don't the majority of my news from Twitter.
For entertainment news, Twitter is the best. I can keep up on just the things I want to know, like when Wil Wheaton is going to be on The Big Bang Theory, that NPH is hosting the Tony's, or how Alison Hannigan is filming a new installment of the American Pie films. I used to read a lot of Pop Sugar, but I got so sick of Britney and Lindsay's meltdowns and anything to do with anyone famous because of a reality TV show. Thankfully the only time I hear about the Kardashians (I hope I spelled that wrong) on Twitter is when they help out the No H8 campaign, and I am in favor of hearing about anyone helping there. So for pop culture info, I love my Twitter feed. And some news is okay, especially political tidbits from Nate Silver or WA Dems. But getting all my information there would, to me, be sad. So I am grateful for NPR. Watching the news on TV is out. The local news is depressing or ridiculous, and cable news is a frustrating joke. With the exception of The News Hour, national nightly news lacks the breadth I get from NPR in the morning, especially when I take a really long time to get out of bed. I skim headlines in the Seattle Times, but one more stupid editorial or endorsement (no on the $$ for metro??? Really Seattle Times? Do you hate me?) is going to push me over the edge (or maybe that last one already did). And I only use my 20 free NY Times articles for 538 and the occasional Op Ed or major news story. I guess I could pay for that, but I'd rather give the money to NPR. Partially because I think it's better, but mostly because I am a little lazy, and I am in favor of getting information while still lying in bed. Plus,if I'm half asleep it can lead to some highly unusual dreams, the story about narwhals was good for that, or mass confusion, like when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, or the time that Ke$ha was on NPR (seriously, look it up).
The only place I am coming up short with this combination of Twitter (for entertainment) and NPR (for everything important) is sports, but that's okay, there's an app for that.
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