I am currently in school to get my elementary school teaching certification (I've decided to save the world one young mind at a time). In my experience I have been able spend a great deal of time hanging out in kindergarten (mostly by chose!) And I now know this:
Kindergarten is awesome. Where else can you have serious discussions about escaped gingerbread men, consider the possibility of sand coming from play-doh and rainbows and learn to read all within one day. And kindergartners make create some of the most entertaining quotes and stories... so stay tuned, because come fall I embark on my internship into a kindergarten classroom.
Here are a few gems I've recently picked up:
Student 1: "Where is the Grand Canyon?"
Student 2: "I know where it is! The Grand Canyon is in Narnia."
Girl Student: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Boy Student: "A Unicorn Owner"
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