Wow, May was pathetic. Instead of writing any blogs in May, we were watching TV, so it would seem only appropriate that our first (of more than one) June blog entry would be a recap of those season finales (SPOILERS included) and our predictions for next season. Our favorites that we both watch are How I Met Your Mother, Castle, NCIS, The Big Bang Theory, & Glee.
HIMYM: First of all, totally called it as soon as Lily started puking. I win. There are no witnesses, but I just want to be on the record here. Now, about Barney getting married. We saw his face when he saw Nora, we saw Robin's face. Who will it be? Being as this show just got picked up for a few more seasons I am going with Nora, but the wedding never happens as we have some kind of Ross/Emily/Rachel friends scenario. Barney can accidentally say Robin, she can interrupt it, doesn't matter. No way Barney gets married to not Robin. Unless he is getting married to himself. I am imagining that episode now... so funny.
Kacey's Comment:I'm pretty much on par with Jamie's thoughts. I think the Rachel/Ross/Emily scenario is most likely. The only other thought I had was that Barney getting married before Ted is going to be an issue for Ted, so I'm curious to find out how far into the future the wedding is.
Castle: OMFG. I can't even handle it. I was a wreck during the whole finale, even though I was sure weeks before that the Captain was going to be the one to bite it. And I called that he was "Cop #3" as soon as they put that on the white board. Despite my certainty, it was still intense and emotional and awesome. And then the end, and Beckett, and Castle said, and... I am pretty sure that cliffhangers like that are considered torture if you're going by the Geneva Conventions (the CIA would probably call it enhanced interrogation, and for the record, I would spill all my secrets and start making some up for a glimpse that the premiere). That said, I am confident they will not kill Beckett, and almost as confident that she will not have heard Castle drop the l-bomb. Cause, you know, they gotta keep taunting us somehow. Side note, Ryan & Esposito have gotten more and more awesome each season (each episode even) and this week they were both brilliant.
Kacey's Comment: All I have to say is that if they kill off Beckett I'll be torn between refusing to watch and my love for Nathan Fillion. But they won't, they just won't.
NCIS: So that was pretty intense. My only criticism is that it is not as intense as last season. And now, who is Tony investigating. My first and obvious thought is EJ, I mean what the hell did she take out of the dead guy's wrist. And it wouldn't be the first time Tony's love life got complicated, but then again, it would be very NCIS to throw us for a loop. If it's one of our favorites, then I am guessing that Tony will of course discover that this new Sec-Nav is wrong and the whole thing will be a big complicated mystery for our team to solve. Or maybe it's Ray, that would certainly complicate things, but they did say it was a Navy person, right? Guess I'll just have to watch next season. Oh, wait, I was planning on doing that anyway. And McGee... timing is everything dude, and you did not have it, but I still love you (and so does Abby).
Kacey's Comment: I hope it's EJ and she's bad because I don't like her. But more likely it's what Jamie said- just a complicated mysetery. I had another theory that it's the big guy that is Abby's friend but they'll keep it a mysetery for a little while.
Big Bang Theory, or really, Sheldon & Friends: Hilarious. Seriously, this show just cracks me up. And the end was perfect, with core group in a slightly disheveled state, staring awkwardly at each other. I am not sure where they are going to go with Priya. Will she really leave? I must say that even though I do not like her (and I don't really think we're "supposed to," whatever that means), she has served her purpose well. The other women on the show have bonded more (Penny, Amy, and Bernadette hanging out together is amazing), and relations between the guys have clearly been shaken with her & Leonard's relationship. At this point, she's made an impression, so I say we can all move on. But I'm okay with whatever as long as we get to keep Amy. If she was on a little more I would refer to the show as Sheldon & Amy. I might do that anyway.
Glee: On a scale of 1-10, I would give the episode as a whole a 6.75, I would give the ending a 10, and I would give Rachel & Kurt singing For Good on the Wicked stage a 12 million. Seriously, I cannot listen to that song without a few tears, and those two singing it was beautiful. Should they be cast as the two leads, I would watch that. Kurt would be a fabulous Galinda. Plus, what a great song choice to
really capture the relationships between glee clubbers over the last two seasons. There is a little hesitation to accept the impact the other person has as first, there is some apologizing, and then finally "I do believe I have been changed for the better, because I knew you, I have been changed for good." Okay, done with my sappy over-analysis for the moment. The hype for New York was too big and I found it lacking a little. And Mr. Schu deciding to just change his mind was a little quick. Although I never bought that he even wanted to go that bad, so I guess it all works out. Also, Johnathan Groff is gorgeous and amazingly talented, but I am so over Jesse St. James. If they just want to have him sing (when he sang the Adele song with Rachel during the Prom episode, I think I may have gasped a little), that's fine, but his character is a douche and I kind of want to punch him in the face, or just hope that Finn does. Why the end was the best: 1) Blaine and Kurt. Like I need to say anything else about that. 2) Mercedes and Sam! Love it! 3) Hello Rachel, you are in high school, it's not like you and Finn are getting married next week. I'm so glad we can just move forward with them, I like Finn better when he's with Rachel, he is a loser when he dates Quinn, and I like her better when she's not focused on getting him and being queen of whatever. 4) Brittney had a brilliant line (anxiously awaiting to find out if Mike & Tina's babies are Asian too) and yet was sweet and profound. 5) I like that Glee doesn't feel the need to leave us with big cliffhangers over the summer (and I couldn't take it after Castle anyhow). We have all the drama within the season and then get a nice little ending. Much like the show overall, it's not perfect, but you still feel happy about things and even about 12th place.
Kacey's Comments:I might rate it a little higher- maybe like a 7.5.
New York build up was lacking a little- I was ready for a New York musical number at the very beginning... but then had to wait about 10 minutes in, which was awesome!
I had no idea what Mr. Shu was singing (maybe it was from his own album?) but I didn't really like it.I also really liked the Britney, Quinn and Santana scene in the hotel room. I was glad they didn't draw out the Quin drama. Because sometimes I really do WANT to like Quinn.
And when Mr. Shu stays- I loved that Puck was the first to hug him. But I always love Puck.